* Name: Simon James
* Codename: Soniq
* Age: 16

-- Looks --
* Hair: Black (Spikey, with product)
* Eyes: Silvery purple (reflective)
* Height: 5'4"
* Weight: 145 lbs.
* Clothes: Fairly normal clothes, sometimes dressy. Always wears a gray trench coat to cover up his wings. In public, he wears sunglasses to hide the nature and color of his eyes. Doesn't have an assistance dog, but he uses a cane and his mapping sonar.
* Special features: (tattoos, scars, wings, ...) Functional wings that can fold down across his shoulders and hang off like a cloak (gargoyles style) under his trench coat. His eyes would give away his mutant nature.

-- Personal --
* Personality: Simon bears a certain resentment to his family for treating him like a dirty secret, so he's been very rebellious in his lifetime. Simon is very self-conscious in public, but tends to feel free and flirtatious around other mutants.
* Phobias: Being grounded for long periods of time.
* Likes/dislikes: Likes to do things on his own. Technically, he's handicapped, but hates for others to treat him that way.
* Favorite pastime: Playing the piano.

-- Powers --
* Powers: Simon was born with a very obvious bat mutation, complete with a pair of functioning wings. He's completely blind, but has a sounding chamber in his inner ear that reads sound waves around him and creates a mock image in his mind. He can also unleash his sonar in the form of a high-frequency scream that can shatter or weaken most anything short of high-density steel. Simon has a mapping system in his mind so that after he's been somewhere, he can always find it again.
* Weakness: In a total vacuum of sound, or an overabundance or white noise, his sonar is interrupted and he becomes disoriented and has to resort to touch to get around. The bones in his wings are thin like bird bones and can break easier than human bones if he gets hit.
* Control: His speed is pretty good, but he doesn't have what he considers an acceptable level of endurance for flying over long distances.

-- Family --
* Mother: Marisa James
* Father: Frank James
* Brothers: None
* Sisters: None

* History: Simon was born the only child of Marisa and Frank James, a British delegate and his wife. It was difficult birth and Marisa could not deliver the baby because of some sort of obstruction. After a C-section later, it was evident that Simon was a mutant because he came out sporting a pair of wings and had silver-purple eyes. Marisa was afraid of the child and had an immediate hysterectomy to prevent it from ever happening again. Frank also feared more mutant children and since he didn't know which of them had the dormant genes, had a vasectomy.
But Frank couldn't bear to see his son hurt or put in an orphanage, so he hired a nanny and a private staff to take care of the baby. Simon had tutors and learned everything that boarding school students were taught, such as Judo, Kendo, fencing and horseback riding in addition to his regular studies. But he was always made to keep up the guise of a completely blind student around others.
At night, Simon would leave through his bedroom window, exercising his wings and his ever-strengthening voice. But life was lonely, living in his own wing of the mansion with only the servants to keep him company. Simon withstood his parents' 'out-of-sight, out-of-mind' attitude for years until he became fed up with the lies. Simon wanted to go somewhere he could feel proud to be a mutant, and petitioned for enrollment in the Xavier's School for the Gifted.

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