* Name: Soren, GELF unit, Dagger Class, 2nd Gen.
* Codename: None
* Age: 16

-- Looks --
* Hair: Brown hair, cut short in a military-style
* Eyes: Blue eyes
* Height: 5'8"
* Weight: 160 lbs (athletic build)
* Clothes: Usually wears muscle tees and a pair of fatigues with combat boots if he's training. Will wear casual clothes when mingling with the public.
* Special features: His skin is multi-tonal. His class of experiment is literally made up of every race and his skin reflects that genetic mixture.

-- Personal --
* Personality: Soren is a soldier. He has trouble relaxing and will even snap if there's an explosive situation where he thinks his soldiering abilities are needed.
* Phobias: Doesn't like to be enclosed. He spent years in a small cell.
* Likes/dislikes: Likes to stay active, can't stand people who just sit around, doing nothing. Thinks television is dangerous propaganda.
* Favorite pastime: His favorite hobby is physical training and weapons maintenance. Has been known to stop and read if he's feeling the mood for it.

-- Powers --
* Powers: Soren's genetic make-up is that of human, chameleon and gecko. He can refract light around his body to disappear completely and he can adhere to nearly any surface. Can make his skin tone appear normal through great concentration. He needs less than 8% oxygen to breathe, which can be extracted while underwater. Above average strength and reflexes, but mostly through years of physical training.
* Weakness: Has trouble climbing some surfaces. Can't keep his skin in stealth mode for extended periods of time. Can only hide his skin tones for short periods of time.
* Control: Clinging comes naturally, but he's had to work at his color-changing for years. If he's tired or injured, he can't do it.

-- Family --
* Mother: None
* Father: None
* Brothers: Various other test subjects in experiment
* Sisters: Various other test subjects in experiment
* History: 25 years ago, the Underwater Experiments Organization, a little-known government sect had begun to explore new potential in terra-forming underwater areas for human inhabitancy. Along the way, they had the notion to create a new type of soldier, called a G.E.L.F (Genetically Engineered Life Form) who could practically live underwater and could infiltrate any area on land, as well. The experiments were met with critical success, but the UEO was chastised greatly by the UN on moral grounds. This became known at the Dark Age of Genetics for the UEO. They lost their funding and they were ordered to destroy their information database and their test subjects or face federal prosecution.
After the fallout with the UN, the G.E.L.F.s, now called Daggers, were still trained in secrecy. The second generation of soldier were altered furthered and gene-spliced with reptilian and amphibian DNA. The skin on their previous experiments was already multi-tonal, reflecting the vast array of genetic material used to create a physically-superior being. But the UEO found ways, using the animal genes, for their new progeny to refract light around their bodies and even turn invisible.
The UEO had already invested billions in the G.E.L.F.'s development and wanted to see how their experiments would turn out, but a leak on their island compound had informed the government that the UEO was still performing their experiments and a red flag of alarm went up in the compound. In a massive conspiratorial cover-up, the guards locked down the facility on the eve of the Daggers' 13th birthday and tried to exterminate them. But they saw it coming and revolted.
All of the guards and some of the scientists were killed on the spot. The Daggers had known some of the personnel since early childhood and to see them turn on the children in an instant with hate in their eyes hardened the young soldiers against remorse or pity. What personnel still lived were then locked in the cells and the Daggers set fire to everything on the island. To some, it was overkill. But Tanna, their leader, decided that it was the only way to send a message to their captors. They would not be put down like dogs because someone older thought they were no longer of use. But the UEO and the government would not stop until all of the Daggers were either captured or destroyed.
Tanna ordered everyone to go to ground, feeling that they would be safer if they split up. That was three years ago. Soren tried to work with one militant group after another, but no one took him seriously for his young age. Finally, he made his way to New York about six months ago and was taken in by some mutants called the Morlocks, but he couldn't handle staying underground and has recently left their compound.

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