Name: Amber Dawn Wild
Code Name: Hurricane
Nicknames: Amy
Age: 16
Place of Residence: Half Moon Bay, California
Father: Blake, Life guard (44). Christopher (Step Father) entrepreneur (45)
Mother: Tiffany Professor of Business economics (43)
Siblings: Charlie Forensic Science student (20) and Shawni (16, 5 minutes younger)
Occupation: High School Student/Model

Physical Description
Height: 5�8�
Weight: 114 lb.
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Brown Eyes
Distinguishing Features: Amber has waist length blond hair and doe brown eyes. Has a butterfly tattoo on her right ankle, and a diamond stud earring in the upper part of her right ear. She likes to dress in sexy clothes that show off her figure.

Mutant power: Wind
Extents: Amber can control the wind. She can stir up a gentle breeze, or unleash a strong blast of air capable of knocking a person off their feet. She still needs to work on her control of the power though. Lately she has been able to increase the force of wind almost to hurricane levels. Makes for some bitchin� waves. If Amber loses her temper, she is also in danger of losing control of her power which is boosted by her anger.
She has the potential to one day be able to create f-5 Tornados with wind forces up to 320 mph.

Vulnerabilities: Amber needs the presence of air to control it. Therefore, if she�s in a vacuum such as space, she is unable to use her power.

Personality: Upbeat, cocky and free spirited, Amber loves life with a passion and enjoys trying new things. Brimming with energy, she finds it hard to sit still. In fact, she can't sit still for more than a couple of minutes, even in class, without starting to fidget. She has a playful, fun loving nature, though she tries to be more serious when in the classroom. Amber has a bright lilting laughter full of warmth and joy and the sweet natured youth is a loyal and true friend. She�s a social butterfly and loves to party. But she also has a teeny bit of a temper. Unfortunately, when she loses her temper, she loses control of her powers and is a bit afraid of hurting someone with her wind. Like Shawni, Amber can be protective of her little sister.

Quirks: Needs to read a bit before she can fall asleep. Only wears silver jewelry, sleeps with a teddy bear, and loves chocolate covered strawberries and peaches

Languages: English

Hobbies: Baseball, Basketball, Collecting Beanie Babies, Dancing, Drums, Reading, Rollerblading, Surfing, Swimming, Volleyball

General History: Blake was born in Half Moon bay, the son of a janitor and a waitress. They never had a lot of money to go around, but he and his younger sister were raised in a loving and warm environment and his parents worked hard to give their son all the advantages of they could.
Growing up in a costal town, Blake could almost always be found haunting the beach when he was growing up. An older cousin began to teach Blake how to surf when he was 13, and the young man was quickly addicted to the sport. And Half Moon Bay has drawn famous surfers from the world over who come to pit their skills against the Maverick waves found in Half Moon Bay.
All Blake ever needed to be happy was to be outside on the beach sunning and flirting, or catching the perfect wave. After he graduated from high school, Blake got a job as a lifeguard and has never attended college. The perfect job, getting paid to spend more time on the beach he loves.
Tiffany was the socialite daughter of a senator and was used to getting what she wanted, when she wanted. She was certainly a spoiled brat but could be charming when she saw something she wanted. And when she saw Blake, blonde blued eyed, tanned and buff, she wanted him. It wasn�t exactly love, but there was plenty of lust in her. There was the added advantage that her parents completely disapproved of the long haired hippy wannabe.
Blake did love her though, and she genuinely liked him after she got to know him. He could make her laugh, and he was a lot more fun loving and free-spirited than the boys in her social position. On an impulse she accepted his marriage proposal. After the thrill of a wild romance began to wear off and the realities of children and Blake�s paycheck finally set in, things slowly started going down hill.

Personal History: Born on August 5, 5 minutes before her sister, Amber is the daughter of a free spirited aging hippy lifeguard father and a self serving socialite mother. Amber�s father started teaching Amber, her elder brother and her younger sister how to surf as soon as each started walking. And Amber loved it. She took to surfing like a duck to water.
However her happy world began to crumble when she was eight and her parents could no longer hide the problems in their marriages. Blake and Tiffinany began to argue more and more. Their fighting getting louder as time went on.
It got bad enough that Charlie started getting money from his dad so that he and the twins could get out of the house and get some ice cream during their parent�s fights. And after the fights Blake and Tiffany usually showered the twins and Charlie with gifts, trying to assuage their feelings of guilt.
By the time they were ten, their mother was having an affair with an old friend of hers and getting drunk on a regular basis. One of those times when she was at a party she remembered she was supposed to pick up the twins and Charlie. Fetching them at once, she was hurrying home so that she could drop the kids off and get back to the party. And originally got pulled over for speeding by the cops who did a sobriety test and booked her for drunk driving too.
For Blake, finding out that she�d been drinking and driving with their kids in the car was definitely the last straw. Blake began divorce proceedings and during this time, found out about the affair. By the time the twins were 11, the divorce went through. Now, while he wasn�t an alcoholic, he does on occasion smoke a little weed. However, on like his wife, he never got caught. So he got custody of the children.
At 14, the twins were approached by a surfing magazine that did an article about them and brought them to the attention of Modeling agencies. They were both approached by Boss Models when they were 15. Shawni made it clear she wasn�t interested, but Amber jumped at the chance for a modeling career. She�s leaning towards a contract with Boss, they started her off after all, but she hasn�t fully made up her mind yet. Now 16, she�s still modeling and while she�s not as famous as some models out there, she�s starting to make a name for herself.

Amber's Tattoo

Amber's Bike

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