* Name: Jasmine White
* Codename: Sandman
* Age:17
-- Looks --

* Hair: Short, natural, black.
* Eyes: Dark brown
* Height: 5'6"
* Weight: 139lbs
* Clothes: Comfort, with an emphasis on comfort. . Though the majority of her clothing is form fitting, very little of it is at all revealing. Jasmine is rarely seen in anything involving belts, heels, or panty hose. T-shirts, turtle necks, and jeans are the normal fair..
* Special features: A burn scar covering the length of her right palm.

-- Personal --
* Personality: Thoughtful, Observant and Blunt. Because she tends to think before speaking, consider before reacting, and makes an effort to think logically in intense situations without getting her own feelings involved, Jasmine can be perceived as distant and uncaring. She is however, anything but. Jasmine is affectionate, loyal, and communicative. She pulls no punches when dealing with others. Ask Jasmine what she thinks of you, and you'll get the hard truth, without sugar coating, no matter who you are or what position of authority you have over her.
*Phobias: Jasmine doesn't like hospitals, doctors, or medical equipment of any kind.
*Likes/dislikes: Jasmine is a very tactile and affectionate person. She's incredibly ticklish. Taking a part and putting together mechanical devices interested her even as a small child. She dislikes dishonesty, overly dramatic people, and anything involving Tom Green.
*Favorite pastime:Being a bit of a gear head, Jasmine can found more often with a wrench in her hand, underneath an automobile of some kind, than she can be found in front of the TV.

-- Powers --
* Powers: Telepathic, both passive and active. Meaning she can both receive thoughts from others as well as alter a person's memory or redirect their train of thought. However her abilities are limited to minds that are in a state of rest. An awake an active mind she can not sense at all. The closer the person is to REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, the more sensitive her telepathy becomes.

* Weakness: Insomnia. Narcolepsy. Just because her powers become more active during the hours in which most people are sleeping, doesn't mean Jasmine's body does. Even if her shields were not rather poor, she would not be able to hold them up while unconscious. The result is somewhat like trying to sleep in the middle of a crowded subway, endless chatter going on around you. Snips of disjointed imagery and dreams floating through her own mind constantly, usually prevent her from reaching any kind of relaxed state herself.
In contrast, during the day when most are awake, Jasmine's telepathic powers are muted, providing a quiet environment for her mind. As a result, she can sometimes be seen nodding off during the day, even occasionally in the middle of conversations.

*Control: Jasmine has had very little training to develop her telepathy. What she knows she's figured out almost entirely on her own. She has poor shields, but has learned to focus on a particular stream of unconscious thought instead of listening to a loud sea of thoughts coming from every sleeping person within a three mile radius. This however, takes effort. Jasmine can divert and alter surface thoughts, but hasn't yet been taught to dig deeper within a person's mind. The most substantial use of her powers to date has been to divert the thoughts of her little brother in order to prevent him from having a nightmare.

--Family --
* Mother: Christine White
* Father: Biological Father Unknown
Step-father Harold Forester
* Brothers: Jacob Forester (five years younger)
Jason White (two years older)

* History: All Christine knew was that her daughter couldn't sleep. The word mutant never even entered her vocabulary.
Christine was a bit promiscuous before settling down with Jasmine's stepfather. Her older brother Jason and herself grew up without a father figure in the household, but lacked little for the loss, and turned out well regardless.
It was two years after her mother and stepfather married, and had her little brother Jacob, that the troubles with Jasmine started.
At first they believed her insomnia was a result of stress from starting a new school. Christine and their family moved to the Virginia coast shortly before and neither of the older siblings, Jason and Jasmine, who had been living in the same home in North Carolina all of their lives, took the move well. Not wanting to medicate her daughter unnecessarily, Christine numerous at home remedies to help Jasmine sleep. But when the twelve year old began complaining about hearing voices at night, Christine began taking her to specialists.
A great deal of money was spent. Health insurance covered very little for the middle class family. And unfortunately, very little results were achieved. Jasmine found she could sleep if medicated, and that once the drugs relaxed her and numbed her senses, she heard the voices less and less. But staying dependent on sleep aids would become an unhealthy proposition as her body adjusted to the dosage. A more permanent solution was needed.
That was when her family met Doctor Lynn Cosic. Cosic was a young researcher in the field of neurology, specializing in brain wave patterns relating to REM sleep. Jasmine's case intrigued her, and she invited Christine and Jasmine to meet with her in her office just outside of Manhattan. It was there that Cosic first examined Jasmine and discovered the true cause of her insomnia.

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