* Name: Kimberly Faye Campbell
* Codename: (not required at this time) Astra
* Age: 17

-- Looks --
* Hair: Long white, fiber optic hair (will reflect based on lighting or what Kim is doing with her powers)
* Eyes: Hazel
* Height: 5 foot 3 inches
* Weight: under the optimum for her height
* Clothes: Kim dresses mostly casually, jeans and a tee shirt, occasionally dressing up if there's an 'occasion'. It's fairly rare for her to wear a skirt or a dress, she's a self professed 'tom boy'. She will almost always wear a silver dragon necklace.
* Special features: (tattoos, scars, wings, ...) A small Clan tattoo on her left shoulder. Will always have a ring on her left thumb. (Clan insignia)

-- Personal --
* Personality: Kim is outgoing and friendly, with a stubborn streak when she hits it. Otherwise, Kim is easy to get along with. There _is_ a leadership quality (a tendency towards "being bossy" as she phrases it) that she tries to suppress.
* Phobias: Snakes. Kim is afraid of them.
* Likes/dislikes: Likes: Being out doors, cowboy boots and jeans... motorcycles and being active. Dislikes: Being out of touch with friends and family, being inactive or forced inactivity, prissy stuffy "dressy-up" frills and lace and ... gag!
* Favorite pastime: Singing, acting, playing piano or keyboards, reading science fiction, horseback riding.

-- Powers --
* Powers: (be specific, detailled, originallity preferred) Kim can become a living hologram, a la Star Trek Next Generation... the type that couldn't interact with physical objects. She can also use that form to fly, potentially at near light speeds. Kim can generate or manipulate light as well. She can make light that she generates solid, a hard photonic based energy.
* Weakness: Kim is as vulnerable as a normal human in 'regular form'. She also needs light to survive, as her physiology has changed to the point of needing less food, and more light to subsist.
* Control: (how good does he/she control those powers?) Kim has gotten to the point where the 'shift' to light form is pretty much automatic. There are times when she has to concentrate to keep her fight speed to a certian speed, and the 'solid light' ability does require concentration.

-- Family --
* Mother: Patricia Ferrell Campbell
* Father: Aarron T'Vaellyn Campbell
* Brothers: none
* Sisters: none

* History:
Kim is the only child of her parents, and the only possible person to take control of certain responsibilities to the Mandaron people, her father's Clan, T'Vaellyn is responsible for many of the technological advancements that the Mandaron people rely upon. Vallyr has traditionally been the support and enforcement of the Matriarch's goals. It is this Clan that Kim is now head of, responsible for over 200 thousand people.
Right now, Kim is doing her best to reconcile the fact that she is Head of Vallyr now, and wants to be a normal typical teenager. Well, as normal and typical as one can be with being half Terran mutant and half Mandaron.
Still, Kim is determined to finish her education with Xaviers' and go on to college, if Vallyr can spare her that long. Right now, with her emotional life being up in the air, this is the best place for her, she feels. Not dealing with the politics of being a Head of a major Clan.

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