That's me (Ashley) on the left, Les is the dude with the funky hairball, my sister Cheyenne is the hot chick, and that's Clintmonstah in the toboggan. In case you're wondering what Les is doing to Clintmonstah's ear, he's getting his recharge. You may think that's weird, but... it's his way.

Here's a groovy picture that I drew for this guy's band called 'Godiva'. I thought it was a corny name for a band, but he wanted a picture for his flyers that he was posting all over Dallas TX, and possibly an album cover... but the bastard never paid me for the picture! The band sucked anyway, so I probably don't have to worry about him making any money off of it.

This is me tripping on shrooms (it doesn't look like me because you're hallucinating)

This is my high school algebra teacher, Mr. Zachary. I changed his name to Goolsby though, because he deserves a name like that.

From left to right... Elsa, Lorraine, the Monstahboy himself, and me (Ashley) on the end.

Well, that's it for my pics page right now. Later I'll add some more stoned things, and some more stoned pics, and maybe a few stoned recipes. Recipes? you may ask. Well, you'll just have to wait and see...

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