Kent Johnson's Bicycling Web Site
August 6, 1998

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1998 - Bike-Aid 3,600 Miles Across The U.S.A.

The Greenwich Country Day School

1999 - The Great Divide Mountain Bike Expedition



August 6, 1998 - Wapakoneta - Rest Day

TIME: 0 Hours
TRAVEL CONDITIONS: Cloudy, hot and humid all day. In the afternoon, there were huge storms which lasted most of the rest of the night. 
I woke up at 8:45 and was supposed to be at a crisis center by 9:00 but as always Bike-Aid time is always different than where we are at. After eating some cereal for breakfast, Pinky and I went to the crisis center to do our service project. We got there around 9:30 and no one started until 9:45 so we had no problem being late. I started out by scraping old paint off of the cellar walls. After all of the scraping was done, we had a short break where we wished a man, who was organizing the construction, a happy birthday. Afterwards we went back to work and started to protect the damaged concrete by coating it with a waterproof paint. We finished the first room and then ate lunch which had been brought by one of women who helped to organize the service project for us. After eating, we went back to painting one final room. When the job was finished we each got a t-shirt and were free to go. We walked back to the church where I picked up my bike and went to the bike shop to have my wheel trued and my gears fixed so everything was in working condition again. After biking back to the church Pinky and I heard a large thunder clap. I went outside and to my surprise a huge black cloud was forming in the northern sky. It was quickly coming closer so Pinky and I got ontp our bikes to go back to our home for dinner. We rode back with a 20-mile-an-hour side wind and ten minutes after we arrived, it began to pour. This lasted for about an hour while we ate a great turkey dinner with mint chocolate chip ice cream for dessert. It was by far the best dinner of the trip so far. After eating we got ready to go to our "activity for the night" -- a volleyball game against some of the locals.(Picture91) We played four games and won two. As of yet, Bike-Aid had never won! We had a great time and everyone had a chance to play sometime during the night. We went back to our home again where I helped our hosts set up their Geocities account and register for a free web page. After showing them numerous helpful sites, I then went to work myself. Later, I watched TV for a while, fell asleep around 12:45. 


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