Kent Johnson's Bicycling Web Site
July 14, 1998

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1998 - Bike-Aid 3,600 Miles Across The U.S.A.

The Greenwich Country Day School

1999 - The Great Divide Mountain Bike Expedition



July 14, 1998 - Jamestown - Fargo

TIME: 7 Hours
AVERAGE SPEED: 16.5 Miles/Hour
TRAVEL CONDITIONS: Hot and sunny. Both temperature and humidity in the 90's. Small head wind in the morning moving onto a side wind which then went onto a tailwind in the end of the day. 
ROAD CONDITIONS: Mostly good roads but along some of the highway the shoulder had grass growing out of cracks making the ride very rough. 
TERRAIN/DIFFICULTY LEVEL: Small rolling hills in the morning turning to perfectly flat terrain in the afternoon. A very easy ride overall. 
I woke up at 8:45 after a very good night's rest. I got up and felt very tired even though I knew that after a few minutes I would be ready to go. After packing everything up I ate some fruit loops and threw some candy into my camelback. I was finally ready to go and took off at about 9:30. I got onto I-94 and followed it with a small head wind.(Picture63) I was averaging about 12 miles an hour and felt like I was barely moving. I stopped for some lunch under a bridge where numerous people passed by me. Katie and Dan stopped and we left a few minutes later. I biked with Katie the rest of the way to a place where we could get some lunch. At a small gas station I got a Powerade and sat inside an air-conditioned room for a while. I finally left around 2:30 with Katie and Tami and decided to try to get up my speed since we now had a small tailwind. For another 50 miles I was averaging 23 miles an hour or more. It was great to be going fast again. A few hours later, I finally got to the church after stopping to help out with another flat and buying another Powerade. As soon as we arrived, dinner was ready since some people had decided to make it for us. We had fresh burritos with hot tortillas, rice, beans, beef, cheese, sour cream, and lots of other toppings. Along with this, we had some great lemonade that I couldn't get enough of. After eating, I made a quick trip down to the bike shop where I was finally able to get my pedal fixed. Also I was able to get an extra spacer for my chain so that I could add the link in once again. The bike is finally working again. After riding back to the church, we were hoping that we would still be able to get a shower since we were a little late. Fortunately we were able to get a shower at the local YMCA which was a little small but very nice. After this, as soon as I got back I fixed my chain with the new link and started working again while some people went out bowling. After eating a little more, I finally got to bed around 12:15 after going onto the Internet for a few minutes. 
Take 1-94 east to exit 343. East on Main Ave to Sheyenne st. Pass Hardees turn right onto Sheyenne st and proceed south to 7th Ave the church is on the SW corner of the intersection of 7th ave and Sheyenne.


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