Kent Johnson's Bicycling Web Site
June 26, 1998

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1998 - Bike-Aid 3,600 Miles Across The U.S.A.

1999 - The Great Divide Mountain Bike Expedition



June 26, 1998 - Brown's Lake - Helena


TIME: 1 Hour 20 Minutes

AVERAGE SPEED: 15.3 Miles/Hour

TRAVEL CONDITIONS: Very rainy with temperatures around 45 degrees. 

ROAD CONDITIONS: Very narrow roads but they are smooth. 

TERRAIN/DIFFICULTY LEVEL: A very gentle uphill which seemed like it was flat. 

We woke up around 9:00 to the sound of rain hitting on the roof of the tent. I finally got out of my sleeping bag and packed up my gear so that I could throw it into the SAG quickly and ensure that it didn't get too wet. As soon as I got out I discovered that there were only about 5 people who were actually up. David and Jen left right as I got up and I decided to start packing and get an early start since I knew it would be a long day. After throwing all of my gear into the SAG, I took the poles out of the tent and stuffed it in trying to keep it as dry as possible. I quickly ate a Stoker bar and threw my bags onto my bike after putting on my ski gloves. I ended up about 200 yards from the road when Tami came in the SAG and suggested that I go back to camp and stay for the day and she would take me to Helena due to some very bad weather. I decided to wait at the road for her were three other riders where also waiting to be taken to our destination. I stood there for about 20 minutes and was beginning to get cold so I decided to continue on and when the SAG passed me about 8 miles later, I decided to finish the trip to Lincoln by myself. About half an hour later I got in and by this time my feet were entirely soaked so I went into a local restaurant where 5 other fellow riders were eating. I got in and took my shoes off. I ordered 5 cups of coffee (some had 12) and a cheeseburger. It tasted great and we actually ended up staying there for 6 hours until the SAG came to pick us up. We sat around playing cards, pool and talking. I wished that I had my books so I could get some work done during the one time that I actually had some free time. This was the most free time that I had had since we left. Around 6:30 we finally left after spending 6 hours and being bored to death. The people who had just come from the campground went into the cafe while the remaining people went to Helena. Matt and David decided to bike the rest of the way but I didn't feel up to going back into the rain. When we left the rain had just stopped and it was a beautiful drive although I couldn't see most of the trip due to the fact that I was one of three people who were scrunched into the back of the van in a 4 square foot area. We just managed to have enough room to play cards. About an hour later we reached the church where I set up my tent to let it dry out. I finished making dinner for the night which consisted of lentils, beans, and rice with some salad. Everyone opened all of their mail and started to eat all of the food that was sent to them along with some new clothes. I received one letter: a form letter that everyone in the group received making me feel so loved! At least I am able to use the e-mail when I have access. I then was able to get to bed around 2:00 that night. 

TRIP ROUTE: Take Rte 200 East to Lincoln.



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