Kent Johnson's Bicycling Web Site
June 16, 1999

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1998 - Bike-Aid 3,600 Miles Across The U.S.A.

1999 - The Great Divide Mountain Bike Expedition


June 16, 1999 - Whitefish - Orientation


          Today around 6:30, my parents and I went to the “Non-Hostile Hostel” in Whitefish Montana to meet up with the other people with whom I will be traveling with for the next 75 days. All our gear was piled in the hallway giving the appearance that we took over the entire place. With bikes and BOB Trailers strewn all around the place, there was only about two feet of space to walk. (Picture1) At 7:00 PM, out first group meeting was held in the cafe below the sleeping areas. We all introduced ourselves while drinking sodas and eating pizza, that the Hostel's Cafe made for us. We went over all the normal logistics of a trip such as this and especially spent time on the safety aspects. Two hours later, the meeting was over so eight of us went to a local restaurant to talk. Both Michael and I were assumed to be 21 so when pitchers of beer were brought, along came glasses for us. This is the first time that I have been passed off as being 21. Normally people do not even think I am 17! After talking and learning about each other's lives a little more, we went back to the Hostel at 11:00 for our last 2 nights on a real mattress. Unfortunately, it was a very hot night and it took a while to get to sleep. I knew I would need all the sleep I could get to be ready for the shake-down ride which would be 20 miles the next day.



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