Kento and Cye having WAY too much fun...Be warned, I do NOT promote drinking, but this is what happens when you, I dunno, HAVE THE PRESSURE OF SAVING THE PLANET!

OH YEAH! The guys ready for a hot date! I LOVE this picture!
So do I! Kento looks so cute!
That's because you're only SLIGHTLY, COMPLETELY INFACTUATED with him! Now Sage, on the other hand...hehehe...

Kayura and the Dark Warlords!

I can't decide whether this is an authentic Ronin Warriors picture, or if it's an add for Coca-Cola! I'm surprised that they didn't get sued for that if it's an authentic pic!

This is basically a replica of us at our sleepovers. Of course, Kira would be Rowin, and i'd be Sage, whapping him with a teddy bear! Jill would be playing with White Blaze, Halie would be reading like Cye, and Helen would probably be doing wierd poses like Kento, hehe.

Cool manga pic of the Ronins!

Another V cool manga pic!

Two best buds: Cye and Kento! They kinda remind me of Alex and I! Me and her, we are tight!

....HAHAHAHAAHAAHAHAHA! Can someone say 'Mental Help'?

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