Anubis and Dais bowing.

All the warlords bowing.

Dais talking with Anubis in the background

The warlords bowing with Sekhmet's shoulder on the left, hehe

Talpa with the warlords facing him.

Same pic as the 3rd one, except Dais' mouth is closed! (I'm not TOO obsessed, am I?)

Sekhmet and Kale saluting Talpa

Anubis talking with Kale in the foreground

The warlords with Talpa, it looks like Anubis is speaking

Ladies and Gentleman, introducing Mia/Nasuti TV! Hehe, I kinda with that was ME the warlords were watching! Sorry, my formerly evil side talking!

I promise i'll be re-sizing some of the larger pics to make loading time faster! Thanks!

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