The Last Will & Testament of
John Richardson White
(United States Army; Patriotic Service - Kentucky; War of 1812)


The Last Will and Testament of J. Richardson White

In the name of God amen. Where as I, Richardson White of Iredell County and State of North Carolina, being in a low state of health, but of sound mind and perfect memory, doth this 24th day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four (1824) make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner as follows.

FIRST Unto my beloved wife, Polly White, I give my negro fellow, Jim, one beast and saddle, the choice of all my horses, two cows, and calves, her choice of all my stock and cattle. One bed, and furniture, one walnut chest. All the above properties I give my beloved wife, Polly, for the better raising and educating of my children. All my estate both real and personal during her natural life or widowhood.

SECOND I give to my daughter Delphy Jurney all that part of a tract of land purchased of Thomas Avery (not sure of the name) lying on the north side of Rocky Creek, being at the time near a log cliff running to a black oak stump or hickory grube in a black oak stump. Riley sold corner with Daid Rileys line to a white oak thence to a Black Oak on Pierse's line thence west to a white water oak on a branch thence to a pine thence to Welch's old line, thence with Welch's old line to the creek. Thence down the creek with its waving course to the beginning Pine at the loge cliff supposed to be 170 acres or more or less to her and her lawful heirs of her body forever and other articles of personal property that she hath already received as the among my papers will show that I have kept for the purpose of doing equal justice to all my children.

THIRD I give to my son Landy White all that part of a tract of land I our chased from Anderson Linney. supposed to be 300 hundred acres more or less excepting one quarter of an acre around old Mr. Linneys grave which I reserve for a buring ground forever. All ling on the north side of the south Yadkin River the river being the boundary dividing line The reason I give him the most valuable tract in my estimation viz that be the said Landy paid $120.00 to purchase the said land, all the above farmed land I give to him and his heirs forever and the other property that I have already given him making equal to Delpia White Jurney.

FOURTH I give to my Daughter Lucy R. White Linney one negro girl named Ruth to be her and her hires for ever together with other personal property already received making her equal with Delphia Jurney and Landy R. White. It is my will and desire that Delphia Landy R. White and Lucy R. Linney receive no more from my estate until all minor children be apportioned in value property as the equal to my papers will more fully show.

FIFTH I give to my son Moorman all the balance of that tract of land purchased of Anderson Linney lying on the south side of Yatkin River 220 acres more or less to him and his lawful heirs forever but must not be at disposal only at the discretion of my beloved wife until he arrives at the age of 21 years. 

SIXTH I give to my daughter Polly White one negro girl named Betty to her and the lawful heirs of her body forever.

SEVENTH I give to my son Achilles White a certain part of a tract of land conveyed by Thomas Huey and John Welch beginning on the south side of Rocky Creek at a pine at a bluff and thence in south direction to a pine stump on line including all the land I hold above that line on the south side of said creek supposed to be 360 acres more or less. to him and his lawful heirs for ever but not to go into possession only at the discretion of my wife Polly White until he arrives at the age of 21 years.

EIGHTH I give unto John P. White all the balance of the said land on said creek below said lines before designated to other legates convey to me by Thomas Huey, Hugh Riley and Alexander Dondaldson, which includes Rileys old mill seat supposed to be 230 acres be the same more or less to him and his lawful heirs fore ever but not into possession only at the discretion of my wife Polly White until he arrives at the age of 21 years.

NINTH I give to my daughter Sally White one negro girl named Vina to her and her lawful heirs of her forever.

TENTH I give to my Daughter Eliza White one negro girl named C Tillie. to her and her lawful heirs of her body forever. 

ELEVENTH I give to my daughter Henrietta White my negro girl named Harriett to her and the lawful heirs of her body forever Further if any of the above willed negroes should die before legatte arrives at the age of 21 pr put in possession of their mother, then in that case they shall have another one put in place of that deceased negro. or negroes out of my estate not other wise disposed of.

TWELFTH at the death or marriage of my wife I give to my two sons Chapman and Richardson White all the tract and tracts of land whereon I now live purchased from different persons supposed to be 700 to 800 acres be the same more or less to be equally divided quantity and quality and if they cannot agree themselves to leave it to their men. each choosing one and then two the third one and their decision shall be binding. All the above land I give give to my two sons Chapman and Richardson White and their lawful heirs forever. 

Also it is my will that all the above land and negroes shall be estimated as one against the other and that the children now with me shall receive agreeable to the amount of property given to Delphia Jurney, Landy R. White, Lucy R. Linney, in property when arriving at the age of 21 years or before at the discreasion of my Wife Polly White, of which amount there shall be an equal annexed to this my will also it is my will that if there should be a surplus property of any description and it should appear to my executors to be advantageous to my legates that it should be sold and that they shall sell the same
to best advantage of my estate.

Also all the balance of my estate or property of every description that remains after my minor children that are now with me or made up equal with the three whom I have left me. Agreeable to the sequel that will annexed hereafter to their my last will and testament as the death or marriage of my wife Polly White I will to be equally divided between the whole of my legated.

Also I Nominate and appoint my beloved wife Polly White my executor together with my trusty son Landy White executor of this last will and testament in witness were of J have here unto set my consideration where of the day and date above written in the presence of John Anderson. 

Richard Rilley                Richardson White 

Seal A Gill Jurst.
Mar 24 1824

Whereas I, Richardson White, have at sundered times gave to my three children that have left me to wit Delphia Jurney, Landy White, and Lucy Linney in property and other articles as followers viz.

To each one horse beast, bridle and saddle one bed and furniture , cattle sheep and other articles of house hold furniture to the amount of $ 190.00 which they have received, exclusive of land and negroes is not to receive any more from my estate until my nine minor children is made equal as they come of age agreeable to my last will and testament.

Land and negroes is all considered equal I have set my hand and the day and date above written in the presence of William Austion Richardson White

A Gill Jurat.


Notes & Other Assorted Information

Buried on Barry Sloan Farm near Olin, Iredell County, North Carolina...

Richardson White had a brother names Chapman White.

He was granted by the Spanish Government a track of land situated where Saint Augustine, Florida, is today.

He was killed in a wrestling match by a friendly Indian ... his neck was broken during the contest.

After his death, no records of the track of land could be found...



Iredell County, North Carolina

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