Send a Virtual Greeting Card to whom you like.
Use the links below and do a lovely surprise to her or to him:
artepaubrasil virtual  (Brazil)
Be Mine Greetings
BHNet - Eletronic Cards  (Brazil)BHNet - Eletronic Cards  (Brazil)BHNet - Eletronic Cards  (Brazil)
Garfield - Postcards
Horizontes Internet - Eletronic Cards  (Brazil)
Turma da Mônica - Central Cards  (Brazil)Turma da Mônica - Central Cards  (Brazil)
NetCard home page  (Brazil)
NET FLORES - Flowers for Brazil and the world  (Brazil)
O p e n L i n k  (Brazil)
Pagecard - Musical  (Brazil)
ParaiCard Index  (Brazil)
Pc-Cards - Your site of cards  (Brazil)
RobyNet - Sending and Receiving Cards.  (Brazil)
ServNet Card  (Brazil)
Skynet  (Brazil)
Snoopy - Post Cards
UOL CARDS  (Brazil)
VirtuaCard - The Inteligent Greeting Card  (Brazil)
ZAZ WebCards  (Brazil)
In this 3 links, you can to find some thousands of another
Sites involving Greetings Cards:
1001 Postcards
The Cyber Greeting Collection
Kaskaw's News - Greeting Cards  (Brazil)

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