Here are some of our logos that Ceildh was kind enough to forge for us...
Personally, I'd settle for a simpler and smaller version of any of these.

ga_q2777mesh.gif (49182 bytes) 777ani.gif (164948 bytes)

Antigrimace was kind enough to build us a skin to use for Clan.777.  For the first time on the web!  You now get to see Clan.777's super-secret TROUT-GUN! 

Through the superior technology of Canadian fish-farms comes the killer-trout!  With Canadian trout, Clan.777 will vanquish any and all enemies!  Want to find out what it feels like to get "fwapped" upside the head with a cold Canadian trout?  Challenge us, and we'll be more than happy to demonstrate for you... just hold still, this wont hurt a bit!

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