
The world is cruel
All my life
I’ve been deceived
by everyone around me
rejected from this world

No one cared for me
No one cared for my existence
I stood alone
Trying to find strength to go on
Hoping for a better tomorrow

I find myself getting tired
Sick of this world
Sick of being rejected
Sick of crying alone
in the middle of the night

I wanted to end all this
End all my sadness
End my life
Just when I lost all my strength to go on
You came

You pulled me away from the darkness
You woke me up from my nightmare
You brought me to a place
where I only dreamed about
A place filled with hope, and love

When I feel depressed
You cheer me up
You were always there for me
Standing by my side
Supporting me every inch of the way

For the first time
I felt needed
For the first time
Someone cared for me
Someone cared for my existence

Fate has brought us together
But we were destined to be apart
As I lay here, taking my last breaths
I want you to know
how special you are to me

I thank you for taking me away from the cold night
I thank you for showing me the light
Death has come for me, yet I feel happy
because my life had been enchanted by you
and for eternity, I will always love you.



I stood and watched
as the long wooden box lower
deep into the cold lifeless ground
disappearing from the face of the Earth

I closed my eyes
Trying to shut away reality
Trying to pretend that this is all a hoax, a lie
that this is all just a horrible nightmare

No matter how hard I try
I can't shut the pain away
The pain of losing you
The most important person in my life

I remember holding you in my arms
as you took your last breath, you smiled at me
You said I have made you happy
and you thanked me for enchanting your life

There is no need to thank me
If anything, I should thank you
for your love, your affection, your care
for completing the missing part of my life

Before I met you
I thought I had everything in the world
Now I know that I was a fool
Without love, my life is nothing

As I stand here, I questioned fate
Why does it have to be this way?
Why bring her into my life, then take her from me?
Why let me experience love, then tore it away?

Raindrops slowly fell from the sky
landing softly on my face
I let my eyes open, let my tears flow
as I cry along with the heaven above

Death has succeeded in seperating us
but it won't end my love for you
Wherever you are now, I hope you can hear me say
that I love you, and you'll be in my mind everyday

Goodbye, my love.


Farewell & Goodbye written by Lilith Morrigan aka Midnite Angel Aeris
{[email protected]}

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