Amish Poetry

By David Ronald Bruce Pekrul

Amish Way Of Life

Amish way of life,
Very simple ways,
Work from morn 'till night,
Then another day,
Amish way of life.

Family first,
In unity,
Always caring,

Sabbath day,
Giving praise.

Horse and,

The Amish Life

The Amish live a simple life,
As when our nation began,
They shun the modern way we live,
Which is all a part of their plan.

A simple home and garden patch,
A horse and buggy for travel,
No freeway covered in pavement,
Just a lane-way covered in gravel.

We often speak of the good-old-days,
When life was simple and free,
While they are living the way it was,
The way they want it to be.

While we are caught up in "modern life",
They are working the land,
While we are fighting for what we get,
They live as friends, hand-in-hand.

At times I envy the Amish way,
(Though I love my comforts in life),
They live in a world of bygone years,
And we in a world of strife.

Some day I will visit the Amish,
And learn of their faith and their ways,
But because I am part of the modern world,
I'll come just to visit, not stay.

Attack On The Amish

In memory of those killed and families destroyed,
when a madman came to Amish Country, October, 2006

Now, what was the point of this horrible crime?
(They sing Amazing Grace),
In Lancaster County, and so out of line,
(They sing Amazing Grace),
Attacking the Amish, a people of peace,
(They sing Amazing Grace),
Then killing himself so his torment would cease,
(They sing Amazing Grace).

The Amish, so gentle, so good and so kind,
(They bow their heads in prayer),
A more loving people you never could find,
(They bow their heads in prayer),
A schoolhouse of children, just wanting to learn,
(They bow their heads in prayer),
For sins he committed, in Hell he will burn,
(They bow their heads in prayer).

In long lines of carriages, burying the dead,
(They're seeking to forgive),
"The Lord is my shepherd", is what they hear read,
(They're seeking to forgive),
As soon as it's over, they're back to the land,
(They're seeking to forgive),
Like brothers and sisters, they live hand-in-hand,
(They're seeking to forgive).

They didn't deserve it, was nothing they did,
(They live a quiet life),
For violence and murder are things they forbid,
(They live a quiet life),
As days become months and the months become years,
(They live a quiet life),
They'll always remember this day with their tears,
(They live a quiet life).

This page last updated Jan. 16, 2009

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