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Welcome to Cameroon / Velkommen til Cameroon
The President
Official name Republic of Cameroon
Capital Yaound�
Area 475,442 sq km
Health and Education
Life expectancy
Total 54.4 years (2002 estimate)
Female 55.2 years (2002 estimate)
Male 53.5 years (2002 estimate)
Infant mortality rate 69 deaths per 1,000 live births (2002 estimate)
Population per physician 15,546 people (1999)
Population per hospital bed 392 people (1990)
Literacy rate  
Total 94.2 percent (2001 estimate)
Female 94.1 percent (2001 estimate)
Male 94.3 percent (2001 estimate)
Education expenditure as a share of gross national product (GNP) 2.7 percent (1998)
Number of years of compulsory schooling 6 years (1998)
Number of students per teacher, primary school 52 students per teacher (1998)
Form of government Multiparty republic
Voting qualifications Universal at age 21
Constitution 20 May 1972; amended December 1995
Armed forces  
Total number of military personnel 22,100 (2001)
Military expenditures as a share of gross domestic product (GDP) 1.4 percent (2000)
Energy, Communications, and Transportation
Electricity production
Electricity from thermal sources 2.59 percent (1999 estimate)
Electricity from hydroelectric sources 97.41 percent (1999 estimate)
Electricity from nuclear sources 0 percent (1999 estimate)
Electricity from geothermal, solar, and wind sources 0 percent (1999 estimate)
Number of radios per 1,000 people 163 (1997)
Number of telephones per 1,000 people 6 (1999)
Number of televisions per 1,000 people 32 (1997 estimate)
Number of Internet hosts per 10,000 people 0.01 (2000)
Daily newspaper circulation per 1,000 people 7 (1996)
Number of motor vehicles per 1,000 people 12 (1997)
Paved road as a share of total roads 13 percent (1999)
Population 16,184,748 (2002 estimate)
Population growth
Population growth rate 2.36 percent (2002 estimate)
Population density 34 persons per sq km (2002 estimate)
Urban/rural distribution
Share urban 49 percent (2000 estimate)
Share rural 51 percent (2000 estimate)
Largest cities, with population
Douala 1,500,000 (1997 estimate)
Yaound� 1,000,000 (1997 estimate)
Nkongsamba 130,000 (1991 estimate)
Bafoussam 120,000 (1992 estimate)
Ethnic groups
There are some 200 groups, the largest of which are the Fang, Bamileke, Fulani, and Pahouin (Beti). Most groups make up less than 1 percent of the population.
Languages 24 major African language groups, English (official), French (official)
Religious affiliations
Christian 53 percent
Indigenous beliefs 25 percent
Muslim 22 percent
Gross domestic product (GDP, in U.S.$) $8.9 billion (2000)
GDP per capita (U.S.$) $600 (2000)
GDP by economic sector  
Agriculture, forestry, fishing 43.8 percent (2000)
Industry 20.2 percent (2000)
Services 35.9 percent (2000)
Number of workers 6,058,995 (2000)
Workforce share of economic sector
Agriculture, forestry, fishing 70 percent (1990)
Industry 9 percent (1990)
Services 21 percent (1990)
Unemployment rate Not available
National budget (U.S.$)
Total revenue $1,409 million (1999)
Total expenditure $1,396 million (1999)
Monetary unit
1 Communaute Financi�re Africaine (CFA) franc, consisting of 100 centimes
Major trade partners for exports
European Union (EU) countries (particularly France), Italy, Spain, African countries, South Korea, United States
Major trade partners for imports
EU countries (especially France and Germany), African countries, Japan, United States

I have given you only the brief view
For more information on cameroon please have a look of these links. you will find updated news
Cameroon.info| CRTV | wagner |le messager | C. tribune | worlstatemen
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This is the bref History of the Cameroon's flag
1 Jan 1959 - 1 Oct 1961
1Oct1961-20 May 1975
Adopted 20 May 1975
Central mosque of Garoua
Last update 2/04/03