

Little Angel



 To you my grandson....

Remember and never forget

what you mean to me.

For you are my strength....grandma's little angel.


I pray for God to keep you always in his care....

That he will guide you every day and night.


Live each day with God in your heart...

He is the truth...the way and the light.


You are always in my thoughts....

No matter where I am.


You are such a joy to me...

from the first time I laid my eyes upon you...

To the times I have watched you grow

into a young man.


I am so proud of you....

You have made my days here on earth wonderful.


Someday grandma's little angel.....

I will see you again and we will be together.

I Love you with all my heartHearts


Thank you...Grandma's Little Angel.







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Angelbmine2's Place

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