Editors Note: While I try to keep this page reasonably tasteful, I dont hear all that many completely clean jokes. So, rather than e-mailing me with your objections, either back on out by clicking here to return to the Mark Drought home page

. . . or, better still, e-mail me with a favorite joke youd like to see posted.

s a nice, clean one from June King of Camden, New Jersey.

Joke of the Week


A Midwestern Methodist man marries a Lutheran woman.

Neighbors ask how they intend to handle the huge differences in religion.

He answers, “Well, this Sunday we won’t go to my church, and next Sunday, we won’t go to hers.”

Youre probably asking yourself, Why make fun of mainline Protestants,
when there
s so much other true evil in the world?
With that in mind, click here to access The Lawyers Page.

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