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                   VICTIM  SOULS  NEWSLETTER
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    Num. 3                                               Feb. 11, 2022
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                                 Charity + Immolation
                     Through Mary and with Mary
    The Roman Catholic Apostolic Church will Triumph
                         Under the Cross of Christ

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    They That Sow in Tears, Shall Reap With Joy

    Examples of Little Peter, St. Monica, Maria Concepcion and Others

    In this issue we print the conclusion of the story about Peter D'Airelle and how much joy he had at the end of his short life, upon seeing a precious soul saved for all eternity. From heaven he saw the conversion of his father.

    His life is an example of the paradoxes of the Gospel, that he who finds his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for the sake of Christ will find it, that the disciples will have sorrow, and that their sorrow will be turned into joy, that the grain of wheat must die, if it is to bear fruit, that the disciple should be similar to his master.

    Christ wept most bitter tears over the ingratitude, apostasy and betrayal of Jerusalem, and those who share in his tears, will share in his joy.

    Another example of Christian living is St. Monica, who for many years wept bitter tears for the conduct of her son, who was disobedient, stubborn, proud, heretical and lustful. After many years of bearing her cross, God rewarded her with a miracle, the conversion of a precious soul. The conversion of a soul from sin to grace, is a greater miracle than creating heaven and earth.

    St. Louis de Montfort once wrote that some saints can be compared to the cedars of Lebanon, while others are like bushes. How many souls were helped and converted by the victimhood and sufferings of Saint Padre Pio? They are numbered in the thousands. Padre Pio is in the category of the cedars of Lebanon.

    We could place St. Monica in the category of the bushes. How many souls did she help to save? Only one, merely one soul. But what a soul! Her son has been called the founder of the Middle Ages. For more than a thousand years St. Augustine's numerous writings had an immense and profound influence upon Western civilization. Even in modern times his writings, especially Confessions and the City of God, have helped many souls.

    In heaven all souls will be blessed, the great saints and the little saints, and their joy will be so immense that there are no words to describe it. God is just: he rewards the tears, miseries, troubles and sorrows of his servants. "They that sow in tears, shall reap with joy."

    Another example of Christian living is Maria Concepcion, who wept over the sad condition of her unbelieving father. She did not die physically, to obtain her father's conversion, like little Peter, but she had to endure ten years of innumerable trials, pains, humiliations and sorrows. She had to pay for the conversion of her father.

    Souls are not purchased with nothing. Someone has to pay for them. How much did Christ pay, to redeem sinners? His disciples have to do something similar to what he did. He needs souls, to help him carry the cross, and to pay for sinners.

    Through Maria Concepcion, Christ made the same petition that he made through St. Therese of Lisieux, that he wants a legion of little victims, to help save souls. The grain of wheat must die, in order to bear fruit. (John 12)

    Unbelievers cannot understand the paradoxes of the Gospel, but the little souls understand them. "They that sow in tears, shall reap with joy." (Psalm 126) The more sorrow you have now, the greater will be your joy in the future, in this life and in the next. It is a paradoxical law, and it really works.

                                           May it be for the glory of God


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    Little Peter

    "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." (Mark 10: 14)

    March, 1913

        Dear Father:
        I am a little sick today, as I caught cold on the way home from the General's tea. So Mamma is helping me write to you. Many officers and their wives were at the General's house, and all these ladies attacked Mamma because she lets me go to Holy Communion every day. The General's wife started it. She said: "Madame D'Airelle, I cannot understand how a good Catholic like you can do such a thing! To let an eight-year-old child receive Holy Communion daily-- surely this is turning things upside down! We were taught that a Christian's first duty is reverence for the Blessed Sacrament. I have four children myself, and not one of them shall receive Communion before they are at least eleven. Then they will know what they are doing." Then the Major's wife joined in: "Such a late breakfast after Mass is not good for children's health. I have my children served their breakfast in bed, before they get up." "Moreover," added a fat lady with a big white feather in her hat, "they are already giving up these innovations. Many are complaining that First Holy Communion is no longer as solemn as it used to be."

        While the ladies were all talking at once, I looked at Mamma. She was flushed and very near crying. So was I. But when they had finished, Mamma answered them calmly: "I cannot answer all your difficulties; I leave that to the priests and theologians. My only theology is obedience. Our Holy Father the Pope wants children to receive Holy Communion as soon as they reach the age of reason. He makes it our duty to allow them to go as often as possible after that. I obey him and do not worry about the rest. It is not my business to be criticizing the Pope and asking reasons from the Church."

        "Bravo, Madame D'Airelle!" cried the General, who had just joined us. "That is the way I myself understand the Church and our Faith. If we want to discuss and criticize everything, we might just as well leave the Church-- then we may believe and say whatever we like!" Then he turned to me: "You, little Peter, come here and give these good ladies a lesson in catechism." "Now, who commands the Church?" "The Pope." "Exactly, my small friend. You see, ladies, this is the answer to all your objections. Where would we end if from now on every simple solider could discuss my orders and teach me tactics? And yet, I am not infallible as the Pope is, nor do I have, as he does, the special assistance of the Holy Spirit. Little Peter, you are a fine fellow; come and shake hands!" We shook hands very heartily and later in the hall when the officers were putting on their cloaks, I heard the General say to Daddy: "Captain, I congratulate you! You have a fine little son-- one who will never shame you." Daddy pressed my hand when we got outside; he was very pleased. And that night I said half my Rosary for the General because he was so good to me. --With much love, Peter

        Holy Communion at Any Cost

        March, 1913

        Dear Father:
        Trouble has started again. Those ladies came to our house last Thursday and attacked Mamma with all their strength on account of my daily receiving Our Lord. This time there was no one to defend us. So, when they had gone, Daddy was very angry with Mamma and said: "This is too much; we are making laughing-stocks of ourselves. Will all these devotions never end?" Mamma began to cry. Then I told Daddy what I had read in my little book; "Daddy, why do you want me to eat every day?" "Because you would die if you didn't have sufficient nourishment." "Then, don't you see, Daddy, I want to feed my soul every day, too; that is why I go to Holy Communion." He did not answer and left the room without kissing me goodnight. Mamma is so sad. She came upstairs with me and said: "You see, Peter, everybody is against us and no one encourages us. Perhaps we had better do like the rest." "But Mamma, then we would not be obeying Our Lord!" "That is true, Peter, but if we keep on this way, they will talk against us more and more and Daddy won't like it-- he will be very angry with us." "Mamma, I have an idea. We could do this: on Sunday, go to our parish church and the other days to the rest of the churches. Then no one would know we are going to Holy Communion every day. I can get up a little earlier and dress a little faster when we have farther to go." Mamma hugged me and smiled: "You are right, my Peter! We will do this from now on. Ask your guardian angel to help us."

        Since that day I have been getting up fifteen minutes earlier every morning and we go to a different church each day. It is awfully hard for little ones to come to Jesus, Father. Every one tries to keep them away from Him. --- Your Peter

        For His Father

        March, 1913

        Dear Father:
        This time I can write you only a few lines in pencil from my bed. Mamma has gone to Mass with Jack and Odette. I cannot go to Holy Communion today, and sometimes I am afraid I shall not be able to receive Our Lord again.

        I am all alone in my little blue room. After Communion last Friday it seemed to me that Jesus was saying again: "Little Peter, would you like to die to convert Daddy?" "Oh! Yes, yes!" I cried. Then I asked Our Lord to let me suffer very much for Daddy's sins. After school that afternoon, I vomited blood. The next day and the day after I did it again. The doctor came. When he had left, Mamma kissed me and cried. Then she told Jack to begin a novena with her for my recovery. But I do not want to get better. I want to die in order to see Jesus and convert Daddy. I am suffering a good deal, but I do it gladly to convert the sinners, as Our Lord did. Please pray for me when I am dead. May we meet again in heaven. -- Your little Peter

        March, 1913

        Dear Father:
        It's me again. But I can't write any more. Jack is writing this letter for me. I shall soon be with Jesus. It will not last very long and I am so happy! When I am alone I sing the mission song: "Towards heaven, towards heaven, one day I shall be there." I have great pains in my chest, but I am happy, happier than ever before.

        The pastor of our parish came to see me. He asked me if it was true that I went to different churches every day to receive Holy Communion, as he had been told. I said: "Yes." "And why did you do it, little Peter?" "To give joy to Jesus and the Holy Father and to convert Daddy. Yes, and for this I've asked Jesus to let me die." Then the priest wept and said nothing more before he left. I did not dare to ask him to bring me Holy Communion; but I asked the Child Jesus to tell him this for me. --- Peter

        April, 1913

        Dear Father:
        It seems to be that I am getting better. I could write with a pencil, but Jack will not let me, so he is writing this for me. The parish priest came again the next day. I thought he would be angry with me, but he took my hand and said: "Peter, wouldn't you like to receive Our Lord every morning?" "Oh, yes, Father!" "Well then, I will bring Him to you, myself, every day. We will start tomorrow. Pray for me, little Peter!"

        Next day he came very early. Mamma put flowers everywhere. Jack and Odette knelt down and prayed; they had burning candles in their hands. Daddy was there, too; he was deeply moved and it seemed to me that even he was praying. Father prepared me for Holy Communion. He said the prayers with me; then he helped me to thank Our Lord. When he said: "Let us pray for our parents," I looked at Daddy. He had his handkerchief to his face. In the afternoon Father came again. He asked me: "Peter, what can I do so that all the children will go to Holy Communion more often, like you?" "Father, found a Communion League like the one where I used to live." "I shall start right away. Pray for me. Tomorrow I will bring Our Lord to you again." Mamma said: "Father, do not put yourself to so much trouble; your assistant is young and he could do it quite easily." "No, no Madam. I have to give the good example. I want everyone to know that I wish to nourish the souls of our little children just as Christ did and as the Holy Father desires that they be nourished. Yes, I understand now the special love of Our Lord for the little ones." He kissed my forehead, then he went away. --- Peter

        Peter's Last Letter

        April, 1913

        Dear Father:
        The Child Jesus wants to give me everything before I die. Our Parish Priest has started the Communion League here and he said that Odette, who is only five years old, may make her first Holy Communion on Holy Thursday. Now only Daddy is left. I asked him to pray with me and he did. He said the Rosary with me, and the "Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary." Perhaps I won't be here any more when he is converted. But I shall see it from heaven. I will offer this sacrifice to Our Lord.

        This will probably be my last letter to you. I cannot sleep any more and I cough all night long. May we meet again in heaven. ---Your little Peter

        P.S. When I am in heaven I will pray for you and the Communion League.

        Letter from Peter's Father

        Easter Sunday

        Reverend Father:
        I wish to inform you of our great sorrow. Our little angel, our Peter, is no more. He endured a real martyrdom, and suffered as only saints can suffer, without a single complaint, without a sign of impatience. Father brought him Holy Communion every morning. This hour for which he waited during the long, sleepless night, was heaven for him. When he heard the step of the priest, his face became like that of an angel and his eyes seemed to reflect something of heaven's splendor. The after-effect of receiving Our Lord lasted the entire day. When I came to his room he prayed the rosary or sang the song you had taught them at the mission. If I told him to rest for a while, he would say: "Daddy, when I talk to Our Lord, I am resting." I asked him: "What do you speak to Our Lord about?" "About you!"

        On the morning of his last day on earth, his mother told him we were beginning a novena for his recovery, but he cried out: "Oh, no Mamma! You must not try to make me get better. I want to die to convert Daddy!"

        He died the morning of Holy Thursday. Odette had just returned from making her first Holy Communion. Peter embraced her for a long moment, then he prepared to receive his last Communion. Father came with Holy Viaticum. Peter knelt on his bed, folded his hands, his whole face shining with joy. He asked my pardon for his disobedience. I wanted to say: "My poor child, I should rather ask your pardon!" But I could not speak because of the tears which choked me. His mother, Jack and little Odette were all weeping. Father was also in tears. Peter alone was serene and consoled us all.

        The agony began. Meanwhile the bells of the town rang for Mass. For a moment it seemed to me that Peter wished to speak to me. I bent over him and he whispered: "May we meet in heaven, Daddy... this is for you." Then he breathed his last, pressing the mission-rosary between his thin little fingers. The moment after his death, Peter's face became radiant. It was as if a heavenly light transfigured it. A sweet smile rested on his lips. An inexpressible peace hovered over the little body, worn out and purified by sufferings. I believed that something of the Divine light was shining through this little angel, of whose presence I was not worthy.

        I, who had not prayed for twenty years, who had been an unbeliever for twenty years (at least I thought I did not believe), I fell upon my knees beside his deathbed. I was praying, weeping, sobbing, not for his sake, but for my own. I asked God and our angel-child to pardon me the lazy cowardice in which I had spent my life. How utterly ashamed, how little, I felt before my son who was so great. I felt unworthy to embrace him, I, who was a sinner, a reprobate. The thought of staying beside him all the night long with my unclean soul was utterly unbearable. I think I felt something of the awful shame the damned must feel in the presence of the Almighty at the Last Judgment. Finally I rushed away to find a priest and confess all the sins of my life. Only then did I feel less unworthy to be near my child.

        He slept there in his First Communion suit, amid white lilies. I knelt beside his body, asking him to obtain God's blessing and protection for me. On Holy Saturday we took the little coffin to the cemetery. It was more a triumphant procession than a funeral, as the bells were ringing out to announce the Resurrection. All the children of the parish were present in their First Communion clothes. I was weeping, but for joy, not sorrow-- a new, deep, comforting joy.

        In the churchyard the little ones, girls in their white dresses, boys with their white arm bands, arranged themselves around the grave. When the first shovel of earth was thrown upon the coffin, the parish priest began to speak: "My dear children, I am too deeply moved to preach a long sermon. Instead, let us say a prayer of thanksgiving to God that He did such great things in the soul of our little friend. God's grace does not always wait for age to lead chosen souls to holiness. Daily Holy Communion made a hero and an apostle of our little Peter. May he be an apostle for all of us now in heaven. May he pray for us and for me, your pastor, that we may better understand our Divine Savior's desire in the Blessed Sacrament to guard you and make you good and holy by daily Holy Communion."

        Please pray, Reverend Father, especially for me, that I may be less unworthy of him to whom I gave earthly life, but who obtained for me the life of my soul. -- Captain D'Airelle

        In Peter's Footsteps

        May, 1913

        Reverend Father:
        It is Peter's father again, taking his place in writing to you. I cannot use the word "departed" when speaking of him, for never have I felt him closer to me than now. On Easter Sunday after Holy Communion, the first one of my new life, in this life which he won for me by his death, it was as if I heard a voice within my soul, a distinct voice-- Peter's voice: "Now you must take my place at the Communion rail every morning." At first I did not want to listen to that voice; it cut me to the heart, yet filled me with joy at the same time. "Yes, dear Daddy, it is your work now to complete your conversion which I bought at such a price." For several days this call was repeated, becoming especially urgent in the early morning hours when Peter used to go to Holy Communion. Finally I gave in. From now on, I, the eleventh-hour laborer, will daily go to the Communion rail and fill the vacant place as well as I can. This resolution has brought great peace to my soul. I have only one wish-- to follow Peter from afar, to climb slowly up after him on the royal way of self-denial which he traveled so quickly. I failed to be his teacher, but now I will become his pupil.

        Today when I took my morning walk I saw a beautiful white lily in the garden. I stopped to admire the lovely petals which had opened over night. At the foot of this lily, near the earth, a tiny pansy peeped up. I would like to be this humble pansy under the protection of our angel-child and so close to him.

        Please pray, dear Father, for my poor soul. --- Captain D'Airelle

        Little Peter is gone. He lies asleep there on the high hill which looks down on the sea. Above his grave is a cross of red granite to which a rose-bush clings, bursting into bloom every spring and covering the cross with white roses. On the tombstone is carved a chalice with a radiant host and graven round it: "Suffer the little children to come to Me and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of heaven!" Above the tombstone, according to the custom of France, there is a small bowl that holds the rain water for the little blue swallows which build their nests in the cypresses and gather there on the hot summer days to refresh themselves with the cool water.

        Little Peter now asks our Father in Heaven to remember the little ones on earth. A plea like this comes from his loving heart: "O Father, You who give the swallows the water they need in the summer heat, who gather grain into Your storehouses for the hungry birds... do not let Your little ones die of hunger! Your little ones who cry to You for their souls' food. You know how to clothe the lilies in a glory of white and to freshen their lovely petals daily with the morning dew... Keep the splendor of innocence in the souls of children by the Divine glory contained in the Daily Bread of souls. Give them fathers and mothers who will see that they receive this Bread of Life daily. Send them good priests who are zealous in distributing it. O Master of the world, listen to the cry of the little ones and hear them crying for Bread; let it not be said again: "There was no one to give it to them!"

        This is what little Peter begs of Our Lord in heaven. And all the Guardian Angels of the little children answer in one voice: "Let it be so, Lord! Amen!"

     - Little Peter, on line

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    Our Lord Requested a Legion of Little Victims

    THE last written words of St. Thérèse of Lisieux were: “Is it not
    Thyself alone who hast taught the secrets of thy love, and canst Thou not
    unveil them to others? Yes! I know it, and this I implore Thee! I ENTREAT
    LEGION OF LITTLE VICTIMS OF THY LOVE.” (End of autobiography)

    She also wrote: “I am but a weak and helpless child, yet it is my very
    weakness that makes me dare to offer myself, O Jesus, as victim to Thy
    Love......I am too little for great things, and my folly it is to hope that Thy
    Love accepts me as victim.” Thérèse of Lisieux was canonized in 1925.

    After her death Christ answered her petition, and chose little victims: three
    of the most famous were Peter d'Airelle, Jacinta Marto, and Rose Ferron.
    When the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared at Fatima in 1917, she said that
    many souls went to hell because they had no one to pray and make sacrifices
    for them. She requested the three seers to offer themselves in reparation, and
    predicted that they would have much to suffer. They accepted, and they all,
    especially Jacinta, suffered greatly. At the end of her short life, Jacinta Marto
    suffered in a heroic manner. Peter d'Airelle also suffered in order to obtain the
    conversion of his father. In the 1920s Christ chose Josefa Menéndez and little
    Rose Ferron to be victims. Rose Ferron suffered especially for the sins of
    schismatics. On Nov. 25, 1921, Christ said to Josefa: “I am the great Victim,
    and you are a very little one, but if you are united to Me, My Father will listen
    to you.” (Way of Divine Love, p. 123). He often repeated to her that he had chosen
    her as a victim (the greatest favor he could grant her), and on one occasion he
    revealed: “I need victims to repair the bitterness inflicted on my Heart.” (Feb.
    11, 1923). In 1923 he said: “I will choose victims who will obtain pardon...”
    During the 1920s he chose Madre Concepción Zúñiga in Mexico, to be a
    little victim. She accepted, and offered her works and sufferings in expiation
    for sins, especially the transgressions of her relatives.

    During the 1930s he continued revealing the secrets of his Heart. On one oc-
    casion he enumerated a list of sins and sinners, especially schismatics, and
    said: "These are the ones I want to save by means of My love for justice, ex-
    tending the Legion of Victim Souls, who offer themselves to My Divine Jus-
    tice for all of them..... With this legion of faithful servants, with the dissemi-
    nation of the offering of victims in the world, the works of sanctity of just
    souls, through the merits of My Redemption, will succeed in increasing. And,
    before My Justice, this will be a way to repay the debts of the wickedness of
    humanity and to obtain many graces, before Judgment day comes.”

    In 1969 he revealed that it was urgent for there to be little victims. Madre
    Concepción wrote a booklet entitled Legion of Victim Souls, (Imprimatur,
    1966). Our Lord needs the help of many souls, to save sinners from perdition.

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    How  My  Father  Was  Converted

    by Maria Concepcion Zuniga  -- (the Portavoz of Jesus in Mexico)

    "Come to me, all of you." (Mt. 11, 29)

        I was very young when my mother, reciting the holy rosary in union with her two daughters—I was one of them—made us suspend its recitation brusquely with a call to attention: "Quiet, here comes your father." The scene was repeated many times, until moved by curiosity, and not without a certain fear, I asked why we would suspend our prayers whenever the head of the house arrived. I did not get an answer that satisfied me, but some years later I was able to convince myself that my father hated our religion, all religion. I knew how, poisoned by friends and perverse readings, since his youth he had lived estranged from God.

        Nevertheless, Juan Zúñiga Hermosillo—as my father was named—was gifted with great natural virtues: perfectly honest, courteous, generous, valiant, charitable, and excellent friend, father and a most loving husband even in the midst of the uprises, unfortunately frequent, of his choleric character. His great capacity for work and his undeniable intellectual gifts led him to occupy a very outstanding position in the state of Jalisco, where he lived the greater part of his life, surrounded by the respect and affection of all social classes.

        Unfortunately, as was noted above, in what related to religious matters, he had lamentable defects. After having lost his faith, he had been obstinate in closing his mind to light, refusing to study, to discuss, and even to listen to reasons and arguments. A prey to an obtuse rationalism, he boasted of the position he had adopted. Nevertheless, in the midst of his incredulity, he maintained a disconcerting feature of piety: an extraordinary respect for everything related to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Even when he spoke out inconsiderately against the faith, on mentioning the name of the Mother of God he would say: "There, let us keep silent." All his life he kept a picture of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, for whom he felt special veneration.

        On the other hand I must add that my mother was reducing her religion to certain pious practices, eventually realized mechanically. I remember that she was apt to say: "As for priests, hear their masses and let them be." My sister, influenced by the environment in which she was living, also was a long way from being a fervent Catholic.

        What a deep void reigned in my home!... I experienced it from childhood and even came to suffer, in a transient form, by chance, its terrible moral influence: without having been instructed in religion and listening often to diatribes against it, I was at the point of sinking into the chaos of doubt! But God had compassion on me. The call to faith was reborn in my soul; I felt myself inflamed by divine things, and I began to seek my Creator in the intimate silence of prayer. My family was so far from understanding me that it was necessary for me to leave them in the dark concerning the sweet anxieties and longings that seethed in my spirit.

        Some time later, for the purpose of following the religious vocation to which I felt myself called, I had to leave my house furtively to enter a convent. I succeeded in being hidden only two years, at the end of which my father obliged me to return home, granting that I might live isolated from the world—but at his side. Each day I prayed with more fervor to obtain the conversion of my father, and so my mother might draw closer to God. From a human point of view, the battle was unequal. I did not have the least influence on them, and the three beings whom I loved most in life formed a united front against which it seemed all my efforts would be crushed. With respect to this, I can affirm that God permitted my confidence in Him to be put to the test in the midst of most difficult perils, for in the measure that I implored more and more the conversion of my father, so there arose in his spirit reactions of hate that impelled him to act like one truly possessed. On a certain occasion I dared, perhaps moved by an imprudent zeal, to place some little crosses of blessed palm in all the rooms of the house, including my father’s bedroom. The following morning I found that he had flung them on the floor, and seized by an insane rage, he reprimanded me severely, to the point of threatening me with I don’t know what reprisals.

        God responded to the outrage with an eloquent and terrible warning. In the afternoon of that same day, while the family was at the table after dinner, from a sky clear of clouds an electric discharge bolted, that terrified us with its most horrible clamor. The thunderbolt, piercing the roof, had fallen on my father’s bed, precisely on the pillow on his bed. When my father saw what had happened, with a voice filled with emotion he muttered: "Daughter, you can put your little crosses in my room!"

        A little later Divine Providence wished to inflict on the rebellious one a most painful humiliation. Accustomed to success in all his commercial enterprises, he saw the fortune amassed at a price of work and sacrifice decline. All his businesses began to crumble, and he felt disconcerted and impotent. In this epoch, how many times I heard him ask me, feigning calmness, to beg God to help him get out of his difficulties.

        But when it seemed that the light of faith was going to illuminate his soul, diabolical reactions of despair and of hate surged from his interior; he smashed religious images, on the sole pretext of their having been placed in his room or in his office; he flung to the floor and trampled upon the relics I had placed in his coat or in his hat; truly he seemed to be possessed by the devil! It is fitting to add here that, by this time, my mother as well as my sister had been converted to fervent and practicing Catholics, for they united their prayers to mine.

        On another occasion, my father was present at the last moments of a young god-child of his whom he loved a great deal, who had a truly exemplary and edifying Christian death. The emotion that overcame my father was so great that he was at the point of submitting to the power of grace, that was calling him so persistently. Nevertheless, when the influence of the first impression passed, when we returned home, enraged at having yielded to that environment of "bigotry," he let himself go once again in atrocious blasphemies, protesting that he would never abandon his ideas.

        God, in his infinite mercy, offered him a new humiliation. After having occupied for many years posts of great influence in local politics and having made himself loved and respected by all those he governed, he retired to private life. A little while later he found himself harassed by the rancor of his political enemies who wounded him and provoked him continuously, humiliating him to the point of fining him and putting him in prison.

        In October of 1938, my father being 60 years old, again he found himself surrounded by serious commercial obligations, that were to fall due at an early date, and he was hoping that, with the affluence of people for the fair that would be celebrated in honor of the Lord of mercy in October, the sales in his business would rise a great deal and thus he would be able to settle the pending accounts. We were all ready to help him in the sales but at the beginning of the novena my sister fell gravely ill. She required immediate surgical intervention, and I had to go with her to Guadalajara. Then my mother also had to take to her bed, and my father was attacked by a serious hepatic condition that made it impossible for him to work on those decisive days. He suffered intensely under the inescapable force that upset all his projects.

        Again Providence intervened in a marvelous way. My sister, tortured by atrocious pains from one moment to the next, and precisely on the day indicated for the operation, was completely cured! The doctor who attended her could do no less than admit the miraculous event. Some time later we found out that my father had invoked God, asking Him, through the intercession of the Virgin of Guadalupe, to permit my sister to recover her health without the necessity of an operation.

        Father continued sick, and we saw him battle with a preoccupation that he could not conceal. On invoking God he had promised to return to the practices of the Catholic religion, but the devil continued overwhelming him with remnants of human respect and thus impeding his fulfilling the word he had pledged. Nevertheless we were convinced that the work undertaken by grace would come to a happy end, although not ceasing to pray for it continually.

        On November 21 of the same year we heard my father, again suffering the martyrdom of hepatic colic, shout: "Lord of Mercy, free me from this illness I suffer, grant that I may never suffer this pain again, and I promise to return to the faith, to practice my religion!" Immediately he ordered us to send for a priest for him. After having received absolution, with joy and unlimited tenderness, hugging us to his breast, he told us that this was the happiest day of his life. The miracle had happened!

        From then on, grace worked without obstacles. With the greatest humility my father again studied his catechism, and he led the rosary at home and attended Holy Mass daily, thus crushing everything left of human respect. His irascible character became gentle to the point of meekness, and he practiced Christian virtues to an almost heroic degree. God reigned in that soul he loved so much and that He attracted by the way of the cross, the sorrowful way, the one way that leads to Love.

        Two years after his conversion, and without again having felt that lacerating pain that he feared so much, in full use of his mental faculties and with his soul matured for Heaven, he returned to the bosom of the Father. On receiving Viaticum, he remained suspended for some moments and assured us that the Blessed Virgin was at his side! All had been consummated within the loving and providential plan that governs our lives.

        Again in the convent, I have decided to publish all the above to give thanks to the Sacred Heart—in fulfillment of what I once promised—for the miracle that His grace deigned to realize in the bosom of my family. • María Concepción Zúñiga López, Zamora, Michoacán, Feb. 25, 1949

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    More details about her father's conversion are given in her short autobiography, "My Best Book."

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    Letter from Subscriber

    A subscriber sent a letter, with quotes from words of Christ and Our Lady, requesting reparation.
    Our Lord and Our Lady have begged for reparation, but has the world obeyed?  Listen to their pleas and accept the call.             Jesus;  "As a rule to do a little more than is required is to offer Me the perfume with the flower.  This little extra effort, being voluntary can only be an expression of LOVE, it is more precious than all the rest.  Usually it is neither seen nor known by anyone, it is for Me alone that it is done.  It is the perfume with the flower."

    Blessed Virgin;  " Today prayers are much less numerous and therefor much suffering will come.  However much I ask for prayers and sacrifices, I am not listened to.  Let every Christian become an apostle for their sinful brothers."           Jesus; "Oh if only every soul had by his side a friend to pray for him"

    Jesus; " Let those who believe implore the Divine Mercy.  Let them combat with the arms of prayer.  Let the reparation rise to God from whom alone can come every help.  I want the need for reparation to be re-awakened and grow among the faithful, for the world is full of sin.  I need sincere souls to expiate, because without it My anger will overflow!  The days of mercy are dwindling away and the rendering of accounts is approaching.  The need for reparation is great!!  In order to satisfy Divine Justice reparation must be made, in this way you can mitigate the punishment due to the world."

    Jesus;  "My Father takes much pleasure in the offering of My Holy Wounds.  In offering them to Him you are offering Him His own glory, God to God!  My Holy Wounds support the world.  My Wounds shall repair your wounds.  My Wounds shall cover all your faults.  This Chaplet of mercy balances My Justice, it stops My Vengeance, it pays all debts."                                                           CHAPLET OF MERCY

    Using Rosary on large beads say, Eternal Father I offer Thee the Wounds of Our Lord, Jesus Christ to heal the wounds of our souls.        On small beads say; My Jesus pardon and mercy through the merits of Thy Holy Wounds.

    So let us offer reparation, to obtain some mitigation of punishment and protection for our families, and at least in the area in which we live.    GOD BLESS YOU ALL.
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    A Treasury of Atonement (continued)

    3.  St.  Therese  of  Lisieux


    This faithful servant [Louis Martin] must needs receive a reward worthy of his virtues, and he himself claimed that reward. You remember the interview when he said to us: “Children, I have just come back from Alençon, and there, in the Church of Notre Dame,  I received such graces and consolations, that I made this prayer: ‘My God,  it is too much,  yes,  I am too happy;  I shall not get to Heaven like this, I wish to suffer something for Thee—and I offered myself as a . . .’ ” The word victim died on his lips. He dared not pronounce it before us, but we understood. You know, dear Mother, the story of our trial; I need not recall its sorrowful details. Autobiography, p. 60
    On   hearing   this   he   was   beside   himself   with   joy:   “Let   us   go   before   the Blessed   Sacrament,”   he   said,   “and   thank   God   for   all   the   graces   He   has granted us, and the honor He has paid me in choosing His Spouses from my household. God has indeed done me great honor in asking for my children. If I possessed anything better I would hasten to offer it to Him.” That something better was himself, “and God received him as a victim of holocaust; He tried him as gold in the furnace, and found him worthy of Himself.” (cf. Wisdom 3:5-6). p. 60

    In the year 1895, I received the grace to understand, more than ever, how much Jesus desires to be loved. Thinking one day of those who offer themselves as victims to the Justice of God, in order to turn aside the punishment reserved for sinners by taking it upon themselves, I felt this offering to be noble and generous, but was very far from feeling myself drawn to make it. “O   my  Divine  Master,”  I   cried  from  the  bottom  of   my  heart,   “shall  Thy Justice alone receive victims of holocaust? Has not Thy Merciful love also need thereof? On all sides it is ignored, rejected . . . the hearts on which Thou would lavish it turn to creatures, there to seek their happiness in the miserable satisfaction of a moment, instead of casting themselves into Thine Arms, into the unfathomable furnace of Thine Infinite love.”“O my God! must Thy love which is disdained lie hidden in Thy Heart? I think, if Thou should find souls offering themselves as victims of holocaust to Thy love, Thou would consume them rapidly; Thou would be well pleased to suffer the flames of infinite tenderness to escape that are imprisoned in Thy Heart.”  p. 72

    I am but a weak and helpless child, yet it is my very weakness which makes me dare to offer myself, O Jesus, as victim to Thy love. p. 100

    In olden days pure and spotless holocausts alone were acceptable to the Omnipotent God. Nor could His Justice be appeased, save by the most perfect sacrifices. But the law of fear has given place to the law of love, and love has chosen me, a weak and imperfect creature, as its victim. Is not such a choice worthy of God’s love? Yea, for in order that love may be fully satisfied, it must stoop even unto nothingness, and must transform that nothingness into fire. O my God, I know it—“love is repaid by love alone.” Therefore I have sought, I have found, how to ease my heart, by rendering Thee love for love. p. 100

    I know that the Saints have made themselves as fools for Thy love; being‘eagles,’ they have done great things. I am too little for great things, and my folly it is to hope that Thy love accepts me as victim; my folly it is to count on the aid of Angels and Saints, in order that I may fly unto Thee with Thine own wings, O my Divine Eagle! For as long a time as Thou willest I shall remain—my eyes fixed upon Thee. I long to be allured by Thy Divine Eyes; I would become love’s prey. I have the hope that Thou wilt one day swoop down upon me, and, bearing me away to the Source of all love, Thou wilt plunge me at last into that glowing abyss, that I may become for ever its happy Victim. p. 124.

    Peter d'Airelle, Jacinta  Marto and Rose Ferron

    (To be continued)  *  *
    -- A Treasury of Atonement (available online)

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    The Work of Atonement is the highest consecration that one an make, to surrender oneself to Jesus in doing His Divine Will.

    Requirements to Become a Victim-Soul

    • Daily Mass
    • Monthly Confession
    • Morning Offering
    • Daily Rosary
    • Own personal devotions
    • Should wear Miraculous medal, as well as a Brown Scapular. --

    Benefits of Victimhood
    • Victim-Souls never see Purgatory, they will see Heaven
    • Special Graces from the Blessed Mother and Her Son
    • Receive greater merits for prayers and Holy Masses
    • You become the apple of the Father's eye, because you desire to imitate His Son
    • Victim-Souls united with victimhood, are holding back the great chastisement
    • The purpose of victimhood is to release suffering souls from Purgatory, and to save sinners from the horror of eternal condemnation.

    Consecration of the Legion of Victim Souls
    LORD my God, you have asked everything of your little servant: take and receive everything, then. etc.

    (See "Victimhood of Little Souls" in the list of free atonement booklets, for complete consecration)

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    Edited by: Charles Reed

    If you like this newsletter, please forward it to your friends and associates.

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    May  it  be  for  the  glory  of  God

                       Laus  Deo

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