LSystem Samples

L-System Script Samples

Note that your image may look different from mine since the output is partially random.
Branch Buttons: Branches: split2 3d
resolutionV: 4
repeat: 2
spin: 75
curve: 5
subSlope: 45
subOrient: 0.9
subLen: 0.75
Leaves Buttons:
Leaves: 1+1 perpend
repeat: 3
lengthMul: 1.0
ExtraSpin: 0
ExtraCurve: 0
LeafSlope: 70
LeafOrient: 20
LeafObj: a
LeafScale: 0.8
General Buttons:
Scale: 0.9
radius: 0.06
shorten: 0.05
thinDwn: 0.08
reDir: 0.153
twist: 0.100
iterations: 5
-September 2001 Armagan YAVUZ
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