Angel 16 weeks

The cutest mistake in the world!!!!

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More pics of Angel, my little Yorkie-Maltese

Geocities is shutting down all of its websites in October 2009. Barbara's Basement will be gone, but please BOOKMARK my NEW SITE, Animals R People 2 which is now in progress.

Nice shirt, Mom :-)

Saying on the t-shirt to the left.

I'm a little over a year in this picture and mom says I look all grown up :-)

Angel 9 months
You can hardly tell which one is Angel and which one is Truffle!! Angel is on the left, and Truffle - who is Angel's sister and belongs to MY sister, is on the right.
Truffle 1 year

Shhhh....Nap time

Shoe thief

Hope mom doesn't catch me

Growing like a weed! 15 mos.

My new sister - don't I look happy

15 mos. & still 4 pounds :-)

16 mos. and still an Angel

Purple is my color :-)

An early Christmas present-
my very own Angel pillow! And it's the right color! Thanks, Mom & Dad!!

17 months - What an Angel!

Good grief, Mom, could you find a bigger bear?

2 1/2 yrs - Christmas toys

2 yrs. 7 mos.
Angel was 20 months when we attended a local Pet Expo to celebrate. She was scooped up by some of her fans and had a great time!! She was worn out, to say the least, and slept the entire way home!

Angel and her new brother, Dancer, playing rough!

Dancer is a parti color Standard Poodle and Angel's newest playmate. In these pictures, Angel is 4 pounds and Dancer is 50 pounds, but that's not stopping Angel from letting him know who's boss in this house!
Visit Dancer's page.


Send in your pictures for the "Angel Look-A-Like" page!

June 20, 2007

Angel turns "4"
and just gets more beautiful each day!! She is definitely my
"Little Angel"

June 20, 2008

Angel turns "5"

Happy Birthday
my little Diva!

Help Stop Puppy Mills!
Email me at:
blt222 at embarqmail dot com

(Type using regular email format)

If you will look on page one of Angel's page, you'll see the same "feet", but in this picture, Angel is 26 months old and a little bigger than the "feet"!!

Meet Bailey and Cricket, Angel's new yorkie/maltese brothers!

As Mommy and Daddy are kind to me...please be kind to animals :-)
All pictures © 2003-2007 Barbara Tomlin

If you have a mixed breed dog, add his/her picture to my
"All Mixed Up" page.

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Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

Updated on May 15, 2009

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