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REX 1989 - April 13, 2000
Part Pit Bull. Rex first came to me when he was about 3 monthes old, and has been a good and faithful friend and my protector for 10 years, and I love him with all my heart for being here for me all these years. He never had any training as a guard dog, he just took on the job out of love. So Rex, this is for you, I will love you always and you will live in my heart as long as it keeps beating. I know you are in a much better place, and you have a pal waiting for you. Tuffy will be overjoyed to see you again. And I know you and Cadilac will be friends at last. So tell them Mommy still thinks of them, and will always love them. Knowing the three of you are waiting makes me more ready to join you. So you boys be patient and be happy. Just wait for Chico and me. Just know I will always love you and your brothers, play in the sunshine, and be happy. I love you boys so much, and it's breaking my heart to have to say good-bye even for a little while. So good-by for now, my dear friend . I love you. Mommie

Riki RIKI- 9-87/ 9-2-04
Domestic Short Hair
Riki came to me as a frightened small cat... She was one of those rare cats who just never did anything wrong... She loved without hesitation and was loved back without hesitation.. She asked for nothing, but gave everything in return... plus she had the best little kissing nose around.!! She was our little girlfriend girl and her absence leaves a giant hole in our hearts... I hope you understand why we did what we did... we love you... go play again... have fun.. tell the others we still think of them and love them also.. Our pain will diminish, and yours is now gone, but we will always remember you by the pawprints you left in our hearts.. Cathy and Doug

ROSE ?-9/17/98
Devoted pet of Keith and Janna Dougherty.
We bought Rose at an animal auction nearly 8 years ago. We went to the auction with the intention of buying 'nanny' goats. Walking through the pens looking them over ahead of time, Rose came right up to the fence, we knew we had to have this goat. When it came time to sell our herd of goats, I could not let Rose go. . so we kept him. I have not had any animal to bring as much joy to my life as Rose has:)

SAMMY SUE 1987 - 1998
German Shepard. Devoted pet of Deanne Tickner.
Sammy is sadly missed by her doggy companions Norton, Simba, Winnie & WhiteSox and also by us as she was a member of the family, the dancing dog to rattle the gate open to have adventures with Simba, only to be rounded up by Norton and bought back home. I hope Sammy is now in peace. God Bless Sammy Sue.

Cherished pet of Teresa.
Found as a stray 3-week-old kitten in a rain storm at a Toyota dealership. I only had you for a year, but you touched my heart with your charming ways. So sad you weren't supposed to live - I miss you so much.

SCOOTER 9/7/84-8/14/98
Faithful pet dog of Butch, Linda and Patty.
Scooter, I am sorry I had to put you to sleep...I loved you too much to see you hurt. You were my friend - the one I could tell my secrets to and I could cry to. I miss you my little happy friend. Thank you for making me happy all these years...LINDA

SCRUFFY 1979 - June 4, 1997
The poe's beloved dog and best friend. Scruffy is missed, and will never be forgotten. She will always hold a special place in our hearts!

SHADOW "Gay Acres Afternoon Shadow"
June 29 1983 - December 15, 1996
Shadow was a wonderful little Sheltie, my grandson's best friend, given to me by my husband who died April 27, 1997, and he held her in his hands to cross the Rainbow Bridge together. Thank you, Shadow, for your life and for taking my and your loved one over the bridge. I know you are both happy in each others care and in the care of God. You were loved, Mommie (Pam), Morgan's Collies, Unconditional Love.

SHADOW February 12, 1987 - July 28, 2000
Shadow was my best friend and loyal companion for many years. After many years, his health began to deteriorate. I held on to him as long as I could. He was named Shadow because that's what he was, My Shadow. Wherever I went, he was right there. I will always love and remember him with great love, as he loved me unconditionally. He was my 140 pounds of lap dog. I love you Shadow and I know you are waiting for me at "The Rainbow Bridge. Mom (Ann P. Ft. Worth, Texas)

SHAKA 1992-1994
Beloved pet of Fran. There are no words to describe how much I miss this dog. His short life was totally devoted to me and I miss him dearly. There are certain dogs who will never be replaced and Shaka is definately one of these dogs.

SHARKEY Peterson
I rescued him - he died on January 30th l996.
He was about 9 years old. His face was flat and his tongue always peeked out. He use to snore and never left my side while I was in a wheel chair . He was wonderful. ~Mary Peterson

SOCKS Dec. 5 - August 2, 2000
Socks was a short hair black and white cat, 4 white paws and looked like she had on a white shirt on her chest. She weighed in at 29 pounds, with legs about 3 inches long. Her little fat tummy almost touched the ground. She was such a sweetheart, always trying to comfort me after Clint died. I will always love her and her wonderful mothering instinct, always trying to cheer me up when I was depressed & crying about my son. I know that "Shadow" & "Socks" are waiting for me at the "Rainbow Bridge" or they are with Clint playing. ~ Ann Price. Ft. Worth, Texas.


SPRITE July 16, 2002- August 6, 2004
Beloved lil fur ball of Pam, Lindsay and Crystal Huber
We miss you so much, you are in our hearts now and forever. You died so young and had the hardest life, we did everything we could to fight your battle with your liver disease, but it took over and we lost the battle. I talk to you every night and tell you how much I love you and miss you. I never got to say good bye, you were gone before I made it home. I know you are out of pain, no more suffering. Till we meet again...RIP my little angel, we love you more then you'll ever know. God bless you and keep you safe. Love your aunty Lindsay.

TASHA 1983-1998
Deeply loved pet of Becky. She was born in 1983 in New Roads, La. I had to put her to sleep in 1998....she had cancer. My husband drives an 18 wheeler and she traveled with us in the 48 states. She loved the truck. When she started getting sick, I got off the road to care for her. She was Mama's baby. Where I was, she was. She loved to go with me to work in the flower gardens - she always checked the smells, especially the roses. I miss her so much but know she is not suffering any more. She is running and playing with the other pets - she has crossed over the bridge and I know I will see her again.

TAVISH Feb 24, 1989-June 20, 2004
Tavish Lou McSchnauzer was born on Feb 24, 1989, adopted on March 24, 1989 by Paula Gaumer and left this world June 20, 2004.. She was a special little girl from the start, having been born on he grandparents anniversary and her cousin Chris's birthday. I can still see the card on her kennel at the animal shelter: Mother: schnauzer, Father: ?. To be honest, she looked more like a Scottie and on the way home, having tried out many dog names I came up with the name McTavish.....which was a little to masculine for a curly haired little girl. So, she became Tavish with the original Mc added to her breed. She was her momma's girl from the start. Even when her daddy came into our lives she "adopted him" as her own. Yet, every night she came back to me to sleep where she had slept for 15 years. The house is now so quiet and lonely. Your kitty sisters said their good-byes before you I am sure you know. They are missing you being here as much as I am. Going in and out of the house isn't the same without you charging out the door behind me. Being out in the yard isn't right...I don't have to look for you before I go inside. Hopefully, you have met Joy, Paka, Coke, Gremlin and Thumper. I am sure Xel-ha and Mia filled them in on you as you passed from this world. I know when I see all of you again it will be like the gates to the zoo opening with all of you running out to great me. Until then, all of you take care of each other, and don't bother Grandpa, Grandma and Bill too much, and I will see all of you when my time comes. Momma loves you, babe!

1-22-96 - 9-20-00
She was a very special little bunny.
She brought so much joy and love to our family and we miss and love her alot.

TASHA - 1992-1996
THUNDER - 1997-1998
Rottweilers. Devoted pets of Tricia, Ed, Jordan, and Brandon Hudson.
So very missed and loved. Nothing will replace them from our hearts.

TUFFY - 1992-1999
Yorkie. Very special little dog of Dean Sellers. I am not a child, but I loved little Tuffy as much as I've ever loved a dog. He always thought he was my baby, and in a lot of ways he was. He was more special to me than words can tell, so I'll just say, I'll be along in a little while, Tuffbaby, so be patient. I love you. Mama

Yoda 4/1/99-4/18/99
Beloved baby goat of the Graves family. Your life was short but you were so loved. Meet you over the Bridge someday.

ZEPHYR - 1982-1999
Cocker spaniel and beloved member of Kelli and Marlene's family. Thank you Lord for giving us such a loving and happy companion for so many years. It was tough to say goodbye, but you will always be in our hearts. We love you.

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Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

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