
Today is October 15, 1999, and we should be celebrating your 32nd birthday.
Since that is not possible, let me wish you a happy birthday by telling you things...

I remember.

I remember holding you in my arms for the very first time,
and being so overwhelmed that God chose me as your mom.

I remember your first smile - and it was a smile that
only got brighter through the years.

I remember your first step, and your second, and your third
and wondered if you would ever get the hang of it!

I remember your first day of school - how excited you were,
and how later in life you couldn't BELIEVE
I let you wear a dress with little pencils all over it!

I remember you asking if you could pierce your ears.
Things have changed, Dawn...most kids are practically born with pierced ears.

I remember your love for animals.
Boy, do I remember! Dogs, cats, birds, and SNAKES!
Remember the time you brought home a canvas bag that "moved"?
I didn't even have to ask what was in it!

I remember telling you I wish I had a little "short-haired" dog.
And then three days later, you gave "Rebel" to me for Christmas.
Dawn, Rebel is still as "bouncy" as ever
and will always be a constant reminder of you.

Remember Kelsey, the bird you "talked" me into buying?
Well, he also reminds me of your beauty and your love for animals.

I remember the times just you and I would go to a movie
or go shopping - how very proud I was to share time with you.

Our vacations together to Nags Head, Branson, New Jersey, Puerto Rico
will always remain special to me. It was because of you
I have such beautiful memories.
You always made sure everything was just perfect.

I remember when you "bunji-jumped" 20 times in a row!
You were always the risk-taker, always lived life to the fullest,
and always followed your dreams...like swimming with the dolphins.

Dawn, you lived a lifetime in your short 29 years -
and you've done things most people only dream of.
For that, I am so thankful.

I remember being with you when you gave me two beautiful grandchildren.
The smile on your face when you saw your children
was priceless.

I remember how very proud you were of your dog, Storm.
The videos you showed me over and over again are proof of that!

I remember our last visit together in July 1997...
playing on the beach with Tawny...
eating seafood until we thought we'd pop!....
shopping for "house stuff"...
and talking and talking and talking.
How I hated to leave.
I would give anything to have that day back - anything.

I remember the phone call at 9:32 p.m. on August 13, 1997.
It was at that very moment my life changed forever.

Dawn, in the words of Tina Turner's song,
You're "Simply the Best!"
I love you and miss you more than words can say.

~Love and Happy Birthday, Mom

Your Aunt Fran wanted to make you something special for your birthday - it is as beautiful as your smile. Fran has walked by my side since you left us and has helped me get through each painful day. I don't know what I would have done without her. She loves you and misses you as much as I do. We will be with you again, Dawn, and things will be as they were.

Dawn, over the past two years, I have met some very kind people over the internet, and some have become very dear friends. I received a present for you today from someone I have never met, and probably will never meet, but they have met you through my pages and wanted you to have this for your birthday.
As you smile down from Heaven, you are still touching lives all over the world.

And Dawn, one of the friends I have met over the internet about 2 years ago, and have since met in person, wanted you to know how he feels about you, although he has never met you. He is a wonderful person, Dawn, with a good heart - you would have loved him. His words brought tears to my eyes. I truly consider him one of my very best friends. Thank you, Dave :)


Kiss your children every day - today is gone, and tomorrow may never come.

To email me, go to Barbara's Basement

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