Dancer, the Parti Poodle

Local Salon Gone to the Dogs!

Cumberland, Virginia

Steel Magnolias Day Spa
in Cumberland, Virginia, had an unusual customer!

9-month old Angels Dancing in the Rain, CGC, "Dancer", needed a slight trim. His owner had a hair appointment and took Dancer with her. Sandra, owner of Steel Magnolias Day Spa (and Dancer's mom's cousin), said, "This is a first! My shop has gone to the dogs!"

Dancer was a perfect gentleman and didn't even need a booster seat! He was happy with his trim and made an appointment for a pedicure!

Sandra Ownby is the owner of Steel Magnolias Day Spa in Cumberland, Virginia, and Dancer's mom is Barbara Tomlin of Charlottesville, Virginia.
(And no....SMDS does not groom dogs!)

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