Saturday 24th January 2004

Well, I went to see some art at the NSW art gallery, I watched some more cool movies, hung out with some cool friends, and what else.. oh yeah.. BIG DAY OUT!

It was totally awesome! I went yesterday with two good friends of mine, Carly and Maz and we got to mosh to some totally inspiring and heart pumping bands.  We all agree that the best performances were the kiwi band Goodshirt, and Aussie rockers Magic Dirt.  One band I know I wasn�t impressed with was Gerling.

First they started warming up very loudly during a quiet part of Goodshirt�s show, putting them off and wrecking the atmosphere.  Then during their show they singled out someone in the crowd called him a �fucken fat bastard� and got the whole crowd to yell �fuck you!� to him.  I understand their �rock stars� and they�ve got a certain �I don�t care � rebellious� attitude, but how they acted at big day out was not �cool.�  It was selfish, childish and uncouth.  To be up on a stage, looking out upon thousands of people, who are each there because they buy your records, love your sound and worship your music and then tease and embarrass the shit out of one of those fans, is plain low.  �Fuck you fat guy?�  No, I think it�s: �Fuck you Gerling!�

After seeing so many GOOD bands (excluding Gerling), I�ve concluded that I want to be a rock photographer!  That would be a totally awesome job!  I think I�m going to drop a subject and take up photography.  My camera I have at the moment isn�t too good.  I�ll have to get my lovely father to get me a new one.

Ahhhh� long live music.

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