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Ellen Dubin
Authorized Website
Ellen Dubin was born in Toronto Ontario and is currently based in L.A. She has guest starred in a wide variety of roles in many SF TV shows. Currently Ellen is one of the leads in the hot new supernatural drama THE COLLECTOR. She plays Jeri Slate, "a passionate journalist who will stop at nothing to get to the truth, with an autistic son that hasn't said a word since he was born and may have ties with the devil".  

One of Ellen's most memorable roles  is as the wild and sexy recurring character Giggerota the Wicked on the worldwide cult hit Lexx. Her character was so popular that the producers gave her three other roles on the show- the deranged Queen, the flashy Florida real estate agent and the Pope.  Ellen is the first female Pope in Sci-Fi TV history. 

Other guest star credits include Mutant X ,  Starhunter 2300Adventure Inc, Earth: Final Conflict, First Wave, Highlander: The Raven, Forever Knight, TrackerRelic Hunter as well as the Sci-Fi movies Robocop: Prime Directives and UPN's Parkland/Killer Deal. Ellen also starred in the cult comedy Sci-Fi film, Tammy and the T-Rex.

Watch for Ellen in the upcoming DVD release of the fantasy mini-series WRINKLE IN TIME where she plays the blind healing Aunt Beast as well as the DVD release of Highlander: The Raven where she has the first broadsword fight with a woman in Highlander history. All four seasons of LEXX is also out on DVD .

NEW: This page is an authorized site. Watch for some cool updates including a detailed biography and up-to-date Ellen Dubin information. Check out her Image Gallery and her Lexx Gallery.


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Interesting Links

The Collector 

Fan Sites

Ellen as Giggerota

Send Ellen Dubin fan mail to [email protected]

NOTE: All of Ellen's emails are screened. Ellen will read every email sent. Her busy work schedule may not allow her time to answer every email personally but she will do her best. Ellen appreciates every email sent by her fans and apologizes if you don't receive a personal response.  
Send all E-mails to Ellen Dubin c/o [email protected]  

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Last updated November 08, 2004

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