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Peter Kent
Authorized Website
Peter Kent was born in Vancouver B.C. In 1984 Peter was approached by James Cameron to work in the movie Terminator as Arnold Schwarzenegger's stunt double. He has since doubled for Arnold in 13 more films including the Sci-Fi Blockbusters Predator, The Running Man, Total Recall and Terminator 2. Peter retired from stunt work in 1996 after nearly dying in an accident on the set of Eraser.

As an actor Peter has appeared the SF movies Ignition, Re-Animator, The Sixth Day and Sole Survivor. He has also guest starred in numerous TV series including Smallville, Andromeda, Dark Angel, First Wave, Stargate SG-1, Space- Above and Beyond and The Crow: Stairway to Heaven.

Peter is author of a book about his experiences as Arnold Schwarzenegger's stunt double entitled Stand or Fall: An Autobiography of a Stuntman.  


Interested parties can sign up to receive periodic E-mails containing information of interest about Peter and his career. Send an E-mail  to:
[email protected] with "wants up-date!" in the subject line. (To unsubscribe send a blank E-mail with the word "cancel" as the subject)


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Send Peter Kent fan mail to [email protected]

NOTE: Peter appreciates your interest in his work and thanks you for your support. Due to the volume of emails received , he cannot answer every one personally. Peter does however read all of his emails and answers as many as possible. The answers to some of the more common questions from fans will be answered in his News Updates  (see Above)
Send all E-mails to Peter Kent c/o
[email protected]


Please feel free to email Made in Canada with any comments or questions at mic-newsletter(at)

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Last updated February 09, 2004

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