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The Lone Gunmen
The Fly II X-Files: The Movie The X-Files: Beyond the Sea/E.B.E.  The X-Files: The Blessing Way/Paper Clip
The Lone Gunmen are the three conspiracy geeks from the X-Files, (all of them Canadian). They are Dean Haglund as Ringo Langly, Bruce Harwood as John F. Byers and  Tom Braidwood as Melvin Frohike

Dean Haglund (Langly) was born in Oak Bank, Manitoba. Other than X-Files, Dean has done very little SF. His only other contributions were in an episode of the Honey I Shrunk the Kids TV series and in an episode of Sliders. He also uses his voice talents in the Robocop animated series.

Bruce Harwood (Byers) is from Vancouver B.C. Besides X-Files , Bruce has appeared in quite a few SF movies and series including The Fly II, four episodes of The Outer Limits and an episode of Honey I Shrunk the Kids TV series.

Tom Braidwood (Frohike) is from Vancouver B.C. His only SF contributions (so far) has been in the X-Files

The Lone Gunmen had their own TV series. It debuted in early 2001 and was cancelled after a 13 episodes. 

Dean (left), Tom (centre), Bruce (right)

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Last updated February 06, 2003

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