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Keanu Reeves
The Matrix Cover Johnny Mnemonic Chain Reaction

Keanu Charles Reeves was born September 2, 1964 in Beirut, Lebanon. Keanus family moved to Toronto where they took up their Canadian Citizenship. Keanu has starred in numerous films. His first Science Fiction Film was the hilarious time travel comedy, Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure. He has since starred in Bill and Teds Bogus Journey, Chain Reaction, Johnny Mnemonic and the cyberpunk blockbuster, Matrix. Keanu will be reprising his role as Neo in the sequels The Matrix 2 and The Matrix 3.

.Keanu as Neo in Matrix.

"What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?"

Interesting Links

Keanu with Matrix co-star Carrie-Anne Moss
Photo from Mothership by Albert L. Ortega

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Last updated February 04, 2001

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