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Maurice Dean Wint
Click here to buy Cube now! Robocop faces Robocable (click to enlarge)
Maurice Dean Wint was born in Leicestershire England and moved to Canada in 1967. Maurice is no stranger to SF.  Besides playing John T. Cable (and Robocable) in the upcoming mini-series Robocop: Prime Directives, Maurice has also starred in the critically acclaimed, Canadian feature film, Cube. Some of his other roles have been in  Psi Factor, Tekwar (movies and TV series), the Robocop TV series and Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future, just to name a few. 

Marice Dean Wint as QuentinMurice Dean Wint as John T. Cable

"I'm not dying in a #$@%ing rat maze!"

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Last updated October 07, 2000

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