Made in Canada is the proud recipient of the 2000 Aurora Award for Fan Achievement: Other!

Associated with and Alibris - Books You Thought You'd Never Find

Joseph O'Brien
Crash and Burn Rue Morgue #16
 Joseph O'Brien has worked on many feature films, shorts and television series. He co-produced the animated short Hoverboy and co-wrote RoboCop: Prime Directives (with Brad Abraham). Two of his other film credits are Virus and Trail of a Serial Killer. Joe will also direct the feature film Hell For Breakfast with Judge Reinhold.

Joseph also does a lot of other writing. His short story Second Shadow will appear in the horror anthology Queer Fear later this year, and he is also a regular contributor to Rue Morgue Magazine.

Look for Joes Short Story,
Second Shadow,
 in the anthology
Queer Fear

Now Available

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Please feel free to email me with any comments or questions at [email protected]

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Site designed, developed and maintained by Don Bassie at [email protected]
For those interested, here is my Bio

Last updated August 16, 2001

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