Faith Awareness Badge

badge requirements

Faith Awareness Badge


NOTE: This badge may be taken with the support of a member of the worshipping community to which you belong or from where you would like to develop your understanding of faith.

1. Attend a place of worship regularly.

2. Undertake a service or responsibility within your worshipping community.

3. Use some form of art or craftwork, eg collage, to explain the basics of your beliefs to your Guider or your Patrol.

4. Find three passages in your holy book which relate to current everyday situations. Explain to an adult why you chose them.

5. With other Guides, help to plan and carry out a creative act of worship in your unit or within your community.

6. Read a book, watch a video or listen to a story about someone whose faith plays an important part in her/his life. Talk to an adult leader about your chosen person, who may be someone from the past or present.

7. Explain the meaning of the Promise to another member of Girlguiding UK. Choose or write a prayer which helps understanding of the Promise

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