Film Lover Badge

badge requirements

Film Lover Badge

1. Choose five of the categories from the following list and watch one film from each. At least one film should be in black and white. Talk to an interested adult or Guider about your choices. Where possible, at least one of the films should be viewed in a cinema.

2. Know what the following film classifications mean and why they are used: Uc, U, PG, 12, 15, 18.

3. Explain what the role of the British Board of Film Classification is.

4. Understand the meaning of these words:

5. Know what these people would do:

6. Explain the difference between a preview and a review.

7. Write a review of a film that you have seen recently, giving reasons for your opinions.

8. Choose a film star or director whose film work you admire. Discuss the person's role within the film industry.


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