Samurai Swords and Rack

The sword was a integral part of samurai culture. Not only did the sword serve as a weapon, but also a status symbol. Swords also took on a metaphysical allusion and were seen as a repository for a samurai's soul.

Source: Arts of Japan. A Complete Illustrated Guide H. Batterson Boger (New York; Doubleday, 1964), 118. Three mounted swords or tachi on a sword rack. From top to bottom: Tachi to be worn at court ceremonies; signed on the back of the tang or ura "Etchu-no-Kami Fujiwara-no-Masatoshi, made for Lord Tseunemitu. of Shonu rank and date to 1682. Middle, a tachi to be worn with armor. Bottom, tachi for court ceremonies dated to the 15th century. All from the Victoria and Albert Museum.
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