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Site Resources

General Information--On-line


     JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association). HIV/AIDS Resource Center.

     Medscape's Medpulse/HIV-AIDS section.

     Orlando-Orange County Health Department--AIDS/HIV Section.

     San Francisco AIDS Foundation: Guide to HIV Basics.

     University of California at San Francisco. HIV InSite.

     Youth Co.--A Canadian Site for Young People on HIV/AIDS.

HIV and the Immune System--On-line

     AIDS Info. (June, 1999). HIV's immune superhighway: The lymphatic system: a speedy route with pit stops. In Prevention. In HIV Plus(4).

     Cells Alive. (2001)..

     Doctors' Who's Who. (2001). The Immune System: How It Works. (Hopefully this site will be working soon!)

     The BBC's 5-page Discussion of the Immune System. The Fascinating Facts page is great.

     HIV WEB-LANL. The HIV Sequence Database. A U.S. Government Web Site.

     InteliHealth/NIAID. (2001). How HIV Causes AIDS. Fact Sheet.


      The Biology Project. Immunology: Elisa. This site explores the Elisa antibody tests.

      The Biology Project. Immunology: Western Blot. This site explores the Western Blot antibody tests.

     The Museum of Science Industry. AIDS. HIV Test Activities. This site also explores the Eliza and Western Blot antibody tests.

HIV/AIDS Medicines and Treatment--On-line

     AIDS Info. AIDS Treatment Data Network. Drug Glossary.

     The (August, 1999). Weighing in the modern way. In Body Positive III(8).

     CATIE of Canada. Fact Sheets. Descriptions of AIDS-associated illnesses and drugs used for HIV and opportunistic infections.

     The Cherokee Messenger's Native American Herbal Remedies

     Feline AIDS: A Pet Owner's Guide.

     J. Anthony Gagnon's HIV Medication Information and Schedules.

     The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine's Discussion of Alternative Treatments for Syphilis.

     The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine's Discussion of Pokeweed as a Possible Remedy of Syphilis and HIV.

     Project Inform.

     STEP (Seattle Treatment Education Project). (Summer, 1998). Step98(2).

HIV/AIDS Statistics--on-line

     Avert's Information on Women and HIV/AIDS.

     The Center for Disease Control (CDC)'s National Center for HIV, STD. and TB Infection's HIV/AIDS Statistics.

     The Eighth Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. (February 4-8, 2001). Data. Chicago, Illinois.

     WHO (World Health Organization). (1998). World AIDS Day Press Release.

Alcohol Awareness Information

     Alcohol's Effects on Judgement-- Alcohol Awareness Information from the Prophetstown Lyndon Tampico School District in Illinois' web pages. (If you have problems accessing this link, try clicking the BACK, then the FORWARD button on your browser.)

     How Alcohol Affects the Brain-- How Alcohol Affects Communication in the Brain; from Wonder Quest with April Holladay.

     Tips for Teens: The Truth About Alcohol-- More basic information about alcohol--from the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information.

     Alcohol Impairment Chart-- A Guide From Pennsylvania's Liquor Control Board

      Tips for Responsible Drinking-- A Guide to Making Responsible Choices from Pennsylvania's Liquor Control Board

      Absolutely Alcohol-Free Drinks!-- Drinks and Recipes from Pennsylvania's Liquor Control Board

     Alcohol, Tradition, and Health-- Some ideas about alcohol from David Hanson at Potsdam University's In My Opinionsite!

Printed resources

     Balch, Phyllis A., C.N.C; and Balch, James F., M.D. (2000). Prescription for Nutritional Healing. Third ed. New York, New York: Avery/Penguin/Putnam.

     Channing L. Bete Co., Inc. (1997). Abstaining from sex--a choice worth making. Pamphlet. South Deerfield, Massachusetts: Channing L. Bete Co.

     Encyclopaedia Britannica. (1911). Vaccination. Vol. VXXVII. New York, New York: Cambridge University Press: 831-834.

      Encyclopaedia Britannica. (1993). Smallpox. Vol. 10. 15th edition. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press: 887-888.

     Garrett, Laurie. (1994). The Coming Plague: Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance. New York, New York: Penguin Books.

     Grimes, Deanna E.; and Grimes, Richard M. (1994). AIDS and HIV Infection. Mosby's Clinical Nursing Series. Saint Louis, Missouri: Mosby.

     Konlee, Mark. (April 10, 2000; published Spring, 2000). Apple cider vinegar joins the war against AIDS and other lipid-envelope viruses. Positive Health News(20).

     Lather, Patti; and Smithies, Chris. (1997). Troubling the Angels: Women Living With HIV/AIDS Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.

     Lin, Xin-Li; Lin, Ying-Zhang; and Tang, Jordan. (1994). Relationships of human immunodeficiency virus protease with Eukaryotic aspartic proteases. Chapter Twelve in Retroviral Proteases. Eds. Kuo, Lawrence C.; and Shafer, Jules A. Methods in Enzymology 241. Series eds. Abelson, John N.; and Simon, Melvin I. San Diego: Academic Press: 195-224.

     Murphy, Dan. (August 23, 2001). 'Good wood' labelling: can it save Asia's tropical forests? If a tree falls: illegal logging in Indonesia. Part I. The Christian Science Monitor.

     Murphy, Dan. (August 24, 2001). The rise of robber barrons speeds forest decline. If a tree falls: illegal logging in Indonesia. Part II. The Christian Science Monitor.

The Rainforest and the Environment

     Charlotte's Web (A Great Site on the soil for kids)

     Estrella, Dee,and husband. Exploring the beauty of Kauai. In Hawaii/South Pacific for Visitors. Ed. John Fischer.

     Fischer, John. Waipi'o Valley. Hawaii/South Pacific for Visitors.

     Ho'okipi Network of Kauaian CBO's. Virtual taro patch on Kauai.

     Microbe World's The Wonders of Microbes

     National Geographic. Virtual World: Rainforest at night: gallery of photos. (A link for taking action to save Kenya's rainforests.)

     PBS's Science in the Rainforest

     Rainforest Action Network (With a section for kids.)

     Rillero, Peter (1997). Tropical Rainforest Education. ERIC Digest ED432438. Columbus, Ohio: ERIC Clearinghouse for Science, Mathematical, and Environmental Education. (This site explores the forests of the Congo, formerly Zaire.)

     World Wildlife Fund

Water, Water . . .

     The's Information on Water and Water Filters.

     The's Information on a Very Treatment-Resistant Waterborne Protozoa, and How to Prevent It.

Web Site Methodology

     CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). (January, 1998). HIV Prevention and community planning: Successes and challenges.

     Douglass, Sharon. (Summer, 2001). HIV/AIDS: A Human Concern. Course. Orlando, Florida: University of Central Florida.

     Douglass, Sharon. (May, 2000). Lecture/Presentation at Central Florida AIDS Unified Resources. Orlando, Florida.

     HIV Testing in the United States. (1996).

      JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association). HIV prevention through early detection and treatment of other sexually transmitted diseases. HIV/AIDS Site.


     David Raggett. Raggett's Introduction to HTML.

     Sharky's Netscape Frames Tutorials.

     Goodies Web Tutorials

Other Resources

      Aigrette Stockpix. Ecuador Stock Photography

     The Amazing Picture Machine


     Backgrounds, Etc. Web Graphics [Background on table Two for Kids]

     The Edgar Allen Poe Society: Poe's The Masque of the Red Death

     Geocities Web Page Template/Gif Collection

     Graphics By

     Microsoft Design Gallery

This page has been created by C. E. Whitehead

July, 2001; last updated April, 2002

Email the author:

[email protected]

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