"A butterfly lights beside us, like a sunbeam...
and for a brief moment it's glory and beauty belong to our world...
But then it flies on again, and although we wish it could have stayed,
We are so thankful to have seen it at all."


There was an ugly caterpillar,
That would do not a thing but eat,
He thought he was quite handsome,
Then he saw his defeat.

He met a beautiful butterfly,
With wings that could expand,
"I can be like that!", he shouted,
And ate the leaf in his hand.

He tried his best,
He looked real tough,
"No," he sighed,
This will never be enough.

He felt tired one day,
So he took a nap,
Crawled into his pupa,
And shut that little cap.

When he woke up,
Everything was different,
The sun was shining bright outside,
And the air smelled of mint.

He felt something on his back,
It was bright and dark blue,
He had become a butterfly,
His dream had come true!

~Author Unknown.~

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