Tribute To Chance
1990 - August 23, 2005
Chihuahua and Fox Terrier Mix

I had to have my loving dog, Chance put to sleep.
OH I didn't want to.
It hurt me so bad, I cried and cried, NO, NO, NO.
But my sons said it is the right thing to do.
He is suffering, and can't get well.
I can still see his little brown eyes looing at me with love.
He was always by my side, day and night.
He slept close to me, so he could feel me, to make sure I didn't leave him.
Chance was very, very near and dear to my heart.
I loved my dog, and will miss him very much.

E-mail from my dear friend

You took the chance for Chance, he will remember.
It is so sad when we lose a loved one....sadder still, when it is a pet.
They can't tell you what is wrong so you hurt with them.
The sadness in their eyes brings tears to mine.
Only in time can we understand why they go like they do.
I guess God put them here to help us through our journey in life.
When we get to heaven, they will be there to greet us along
with the rest of our family & friends.
So don't worry my friend. You will see him again!
You took that chance for "Chance" and he was close to your spirit.
He loved you forever.
Now you need to feel the pain and remember the way he was.
His spirit will always be with you.
Go on with the living because some day you will hear his bark again.

I love you, my friend.


I found this poem on the web.
I think it would be what Chance would think.

"Time to Go"

The time has come I think you know
the Lord is calling so I must go
I love you so much; I wish it wasn't so
I wish I could stay; I don't want to go

You're the best family a dog ever had
so kind and gentle, never mean or mad
I'll never forget the day that we met
I was so lucky to become your pet

You opened your door and showed me your heart
I'll never forget you; we'll never part
You loved me and cared for me over the years
you taught me everything and took away my fears

The Lord is calling now I must go
but before I go I want you to know
I know it hurts to lose a friend
but I'll always be with you even to the end.

~John Quealy ~

Jim Warren, Artist
Luvdalot Graphics Design

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