In times like these, "God Cares For You" 
is a blessed assurance that our heavenly Father
will always protect and keep his people,
for He promises "never to leave us or forsake us." 
We can always find this wonderful blessing of comfort
by looking to the Cross of Christ
and seeking out Bible scriptures of God's promises 
to always care for his children.

"Casting all your care upon Him for He careth for you".
1 Peter 5:7

“God's Presence”

I see you in the evening
and the darkness of the night.
You're with me in the morning,
when all the world is bright.

I feel you in a breeze,
like a tender warm embrace;
I feel you when a snowflake
falls softly on my face.

I hear you when it thunders
and the world seems at an end;
I hear you whisper softly,
'Don't fear I am your friend'.

I hear you in a bird song
the humming of the bees.
Your voice is strong and vibrant
in the waves of stormy seas.

I see, I feel, I hear you,
you're there in all I do,
guiding and protecting,
until my life is through.

Marian Jones~
Copyright 2002



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