


"Going Home"

Someday we will all be going to a different home,
So we should live right and try to do no wrong.

In this life we try to make our home look nice,
But it may not last, for it could be destroyed in a storm

"In my Father's House are many mansions;
If it were not so I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you,
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come again, and recieve you unto myself...
That where I am, ye may be also."
John: 14-2

We have many mountains to climb and rivers to cross,
There will be lots of trouble that comes our way,
And it's time to get ready and stay ready.

Be glad that God gives us everything we have,
And always take time to pray.

We should read the Bible, believe it and live it,
So one of the mansions will be ours.

Lorene Ellington~








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