"Learning From The Old Man and The Starfish..."

Dear friend,
There is a story that I heard long ago that I should tell you about, too.
It may help change a life.

At the first glimmer of light of dawn, a young man walked at the edge of the seashore. There had been a storm the night before, and he knew this would be a good morning to find seashells. With pants rolled up above his ankles, he walked along looking for what treasures he might find.

Then the young man looked up and could barely make out a figure of a very old man ahead of him. The young man watched as the old man bent down to pick up an object from the sand, and toss it into the surf. As he got closer, and the light of morning began to turn the sand pink, he noticed that the old man was picking up starfish that had been tossed up on the beach by the storm. There were thousands of them, but one by one the old man picked them up, and tossed them back into the surf. Nearing the old man the young man introduced himself, and said, "Excuse me, but there are thousands of starfish stranded here on the beach. You can't possibly make a difference."

The old man smiled and looked at him, then picked up another starfish. He tossed it back in the sea. “I certainly made a difference to that one, didn't I, son?"


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