The Wisdom Trail

As I sat across the circle from one of our "old ones" my mind seemed to leap beyond the tired sculpted lines of his handsome face.

I suddenly saw a baby on a cradleboard being carried deep into the forest as he gurgled and looked all around.
With the joyful sighs and beautiful bright eyes, the young one saw everything that moved.

The eyes suddenly closed and a young boy with fawn skin and long dark hair pranced in front of me.

He was shaping a stone for the stick lying beside him. Soon he would have a nice war-club to use for play as he joined his friends in the fields.

His features changed before me to those of a young brave as he drew back arrow after arrow in preparation of a big hunt that would soon come, as he prepared himself to be a father, capable of caring for his own family.

He now has a beautiful girl at his side; dressed in white buckskin she is a sight for any young warrior.

He silently slips away in the night to protect his family.
The years pass ever so quickly as he teaches his children the skills they will need to carry them along the Good Red Path.

He sings quietly to a soft tiny bundle wrapped in rabbit skin.
He knows that his grandchild will soon fall into his own position and join the ranks of the Elders, with the same sparkle in his eye and the same soft sculpted lines of one who has walked the Wisdom Trail.

My thoughts return to the room as I continue my walk with the "old ones" on the Wisdom Trail.


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