


"The Family"

The family is like a book...
The children are the leaves;
The parents are the cover,
that Protective beauty gives.

At first the pages of the book
Are blank and purely fair;
But time soon writes memories,
And paints pictures there.

Love is the little golden clasp
That bindeth up the trust;
Oh, break it not lest all the leaves
Shall scatter and be lost!
Author Unknown

"Families Are Created Out Of Love"

Families are created out of love
And live within the cup of love's large hands.
No momentary pain can love remove
Or taint the trust of one who understands.
We live at times at odds with those who love us.

Colliding in our anger like great waves,
Refusing to have anyone above us
Nor willing to give up what passion craves.
But anger is a storm we know will pass,
And freedom is the nature of the will.

We run like wild horses through the grass
Yet know we are constrained by hunger still.
Sometimes, obsessed with losses and with gains,
We turn towards home and find that love remains.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon


Dedicated to our grandparents and great-grandparents: John William Harrington and Cornelia Simms Harrington, John Gaston and Rebecca Bagby Gaston, Commodore Perry Davis and Hannah Minerva Branson Davis, Andrew Jackson Davis and Amanda Mills Davis, Lewis Van Tassel and Louisa Maria Hall Van Tassel, Oscar Hall and Lydia Matteson Hall, Benjamin Meriwether Snead and Sallie Snead, Thomas Kendrick Snead and Louemmie Smith Snead.

Click here to read some of my surnames. Genealogy


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