Philippine Combat Aikido Federation
Parañaque Chapter
Recognized by Philippine Combat Aikido Federation, Inc.

The Way of the Gods! Give in to the life of the Universe of Heaven and Earth Thus draw nearer and nearer To a spirit who serves the Godhead To see the true things Harmonize the voice with shouts "Yah" Never be drawn into the rhythm of the enemy. I stand in the mountain stream So pure! The splashing sound of water against the stone Yet where is the person Who with such purity can speak (of the Way). Watch not his flashing blade Nothing can be seen there His fists will reveal where he intends to cut Causing the perverted enemy to attack I must then stand behind his form And so cut the enemy down.

It is sincerity! First cultivate sincerity with all your heart So realize this truth The World of Reality and the World of Appearance are One. Whenever I seem to conforent Another dead end on my path That precious way of Izu and Mizu I bring to mind once more Should you lose the Way Without a doubt you will enter an "evil path" Give no reign to the spiritual horse. In a forest of the enemy's spears Surrounded! Then realize that those very speraheads Are your very shield. A person who In any situation Perceives the truth with resignation Would never need to draw his sword in haste Pour your spirit and heart Into daily technical training To approach the many through a single principle This is "The Way of the Fighting Man" The enemy comes running in to strike At the instant of the attack Avoid his strike with one step And counter attack in that instant.

To see the true things Harmonize with the voice which shouts, "Yah" Never be drawn into the rhythm of the enemy With "Eiii" cut him down! That emeny that lurks within Instruct him with "Yah" Guide him with "Toh" First master the techniques of Aiki The way of the Gods Then no enemy will ever attack His sword raised to the attack The enemy flies at the man he thinks before him But from the very start I was standing behind him "To command the forest of enemy blades arrayed before you Know that the enemy's spirit/mind is your shield." Rip away from your soul The shabby rags it wears Open the way to Heavens destiny So let it shine! When you assume chudan Move the enemy's spirit into the midst And grasp the rhythm in the same fist. Even through surrounded by a great number of enemy View them as one person And so fight on! The enemy may assume gedan But stay as you are in chudan Move your blade neither up nor down.

If you wish to weaken The enemy's sword Move first, fly in and cut! Though the enemy's spears and buts are before you and behind With their very weapons as your shield You must cut in and gain victory. Without the slightest opening Nor the least thought of the enemy And his encircling swords Step in and cut! The rays of the rising sun flow in My mind is clear Going to the window, I run about the Heavens Shining like the dawn. Stand with the "First-moving Sword" held in the heavens Close quickly and release your strike Cutting diagonally. Even the most powerful human being has a limited sphere of strength. Draw him outside of that sphere and into your own, and his strength will dissipate. "You must realize this! AiKi cannot be captured with the brush Nor can it be expressed with the mouth And so it is that one must proceed to realization" In Jodan Your every self must become jodan Then in that way The attacking spear can be crushed Victory will be yours The rays of the rising sun flow in My mind is clear Going to the window, I run about the Heavens Shining like the dawn.

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