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Fortunate Son

     Starfleet receives a distress signal from the ECS (Earth Cargo Ship) Fortunate, a Y-Class freighter, and orders the Enterprise to investigate. Captain Archer discovers that the acting captain of the Fortunate, Matthew Ryan, has taken a Nausicaan prisoner and refuses to release him. Since Captain Archer has no jurisdiction over the cargo ship all that he can do is remove the upgrades he installed on the Fortunate. Ryan doesn't want to lose the upgrades or release his prisoner so he is forced to take matters into his own hands.

     "Captain's Starlog, supplemental: We've picked up a faint warp trail that could be the Fortunate, but we won't know for sure until our long-range sensors are back on-line."
Archer's Starlog

Guest Stars

     Lawrence Monoson as Matthew Ryan
     Kieran Mulroney as Shaw
     Vaughn Armstrong as Admiral Forrest
     Danny Goldring as Nausicaan Captain

     Charles Lucia as Captain Keene
     D. Elliot Woods as Nausicaan Prisoner
     Daniel Asa Henson as Boy
     Elyssa D. Vito as Nadine

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The information on this page was obtained from a variety of sources including and the show Enterprise.
The Enterprise header image was obtained from
"The images used herein
[the rotating couch only] were obtained from IMSI's MasterClips/ Masterphotos© Collection, 1895 Francisco Blvd. East, San Rafael, CA 94901-5506, USA."

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