Review Page


This is a very simple form, because I just learned how to do these and can't be arsed to teach myself fancy coding tricks. Please remember to give a name, email address if you want notifications, and to select the fic you're reviewing (and chapter, for Some Perfect World). I don't know how to make the form remind you if you forget - sorry!


Your Name:

Your Email Address (optional):

Which fic would you like to review?

If you're reviewing Some Perfect World, please select a chapter:

What do you think?

Would you like to be notified when Crikkita posts a new fic?

Yes! YES!!
Just tell me about new chapters of SPW.
Just tell me about new fics for the following ship, character or topic:
No, thanks.

Remember to give your email address if you want notification! I promise no one will see it but me, and I won't use it for anything but telling you about new fics/chapters. Ever.

You can also see all the new-fic/chapter announcements by, watching Crikkita's LiveJournal.


Thank you so much!! Your input is very appreciated.

When you click, you will get a strange-looking page. Don't sweat it, just close the window, or click 'back' if you would like to leave another review.


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