Final Fantasy High School!!!

This is more of a humor story. It is something out of the ordinary and different. I like being different. I pulled a few FFVIII and FFIX characters in to this story as well.

*In this fic, you assume that these people are all the same age,
I�m making them all juniors in their 3rd year of high school

�I just don�t understand it, how can 50 rats escape from their cages?� The biology teacher frowned.
�Yep it�s a mystery all right! Want some help finding them?� Yuffie smiled.
�No its ok, you may go� the biology teacher told her.

Yuffie left the biology lab. Of COURSE she had something to do with the rats.
It was either she or Sephiroth causing trouble around the school.
Yuffie made a stop in the gym bathroom; she wasn�t supposed to be there at this time before gym.
After writing �TIFA LOCKHART IS A FAT CHEERLEADER� with the soap she grinned broadly.
�This will surely cause a ruckus!� she smiled.
Causing little spats at school, now that was surely fun!
After thinking for a while, she stopped and carved in the wall the initials Y +S.
Yuffie had a secret. Her secret was she really admired Sephiroth. She had a crush on him and she couldn�t shake it.
Meanwhile Sephiroth snuck into the girl�s locker room and picked Tifa�s lock.
�She�s really gonna have a stroke when she can�t find her stupid little cheerleaders skirt! Fwaa haaa haa!�
as he hid the skirt in his jacket. �I know just where to hide this!� he laughed.
As he left the locker room, he saw poster advertising the school dance.
�Ah, a perfect opportunity to mess stuff up!
I bet I could pop the tires on Cloud�s car so he�ll be humiliated when he needs to drive his date home!�
laughing evilly he spit on the poster and walked off.
Cloud was a popular football player.
But he wasn�t sure if he should bring Tifa or Aeris to the dance.
�They both totally dig me! But who to take?� Cloud wasn�t sure.
�Maybe Aeris, she looks lovely in pink dresses.
But Tifa looks smart in her miniskirts.. .OH! It�s a tussle!� he thought.
�Hi Cloud!� Aeris smiled. Ready to study our algebra?
�AERIS! Cloud is studying with ME!�
Tifa crowed, appearing from nowhere. �Girls, how about we ALL study?� Cloud threw his arms up.
�ARGGGHH!� both girls cried in exasperation.
�If you study with HER, it turns into a cheerleading practice!!� Aeris griped.
�WELL if you study with HER then she ends up going over kill with the studies!� Tifa shot back hotly.

�At least I�m an A student!� Aeris yelled back.
�I have a life it�s not all study, study, study,� Tifa yelled.
Cloud just stood there with a vacant look in his eye.
�Two girls fighting over me.. . Oh boy. He thought�
�AH! A dumb dance with silly people acting all silly!�
Yuffie read the paper and laughed.
�This is great, I�m going to really pull a great prank on some people here! Lets see.. . Hmm I know. .�
as Yuffie went to her locker.

Kuja shrank agaist the wall.
�Great, not that idiot Rinoa!�
She was always bugging him and he hated her so much.
He was always afraid that Edea would think that he had something for Rinoa.
Edea was his "cherry blossom". She was the world to Kuja.
But this time Rinoa walked past Kuja.
�Good stay away from me crazy one� Kuja thought.
He looked at his schedule.
�Oh yay! I have drama and then Elizabethian Poetry class where I can write a poem for my loved one, Edea!�
�Hi, umm my name is Rinoa and I was wondering, do you wanna go to the dance??!�
a Rinoa Heartelly squealed as she grabbed on to Sephiroth�s sleeve.
Pulling himself away and brushing off his black leather jacket, Sephiroth rolled his eyes.
�No I am not gonna be there!� he lied
�now get lost, I don�t� even know you!� he sighed.
�These girls don�t know how to have a little fun,
if some girl knew what I did to Tifa Lockhart�s skirt, or that I slapped a little graffiti all over the wall,
they�d freak out and nag at me, too bad there aren�t any girls like me�
Sephiroth thought.
�Then we could both make stuff happen� A scream interrupted Sephiroth�s thoughts.
it was Tifa, running coming from the gym.
�It was Aeris! She hates me!
She�s always hated me! I bet she wrote in soap on the mirror!
I bet she did it! She hates meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Clouuuuuuuuuuuud!�
and Tifa began crying into Cloud�s shoulder.
�Get a grip! Tifa, Aeris is your friend, even though you two argue and fight, she is still a friend and she�d never do that!� Cloud said firmly.
� I guess you are right� but what about my skirt.. And the mirror?� Tifa whined.
Sephiroth could barely contain himself from laughing.
He started laughing out loud and Tifa heard him
�I bet it was you who did it! You took my skirt! Now I can�t cheer for Cloud!!!� Tifa shrieked.
�Oh well miss prissy pants I guess you can�t. for shame� Sephiroth laughed.
�Dang it Sephiroth, give Tifa her skirt back, and wipe the mirror too!� Cloud ordered.
�Ah I just put her skirt in the teacher�s lounge freezer!� Sephiroth nonchalantly walked away.
Tifa just sniffed and hugged Cloud.
�Are you gonna take me to the dance?� she asked.
�No Tifa, I�m just going to go, you, Aeris and I can all have fun tonight, ok? I can dance with both of you.�
�That is NOT fair!� Tifa stamped her foot, and spun around walking off with her eyes shut.
Not a smart thing to do, because at that moment she bumped into Fujin Kazeno.
Fujin was NOT someone that you messed with, she had a nasty temper and at this moment, she was not going to let Tifa just bump into her.
�RAGE!� she cried and she kicked Tifa in the shin. �WIMP!� she barked.
Tifa just whined about it and Cloud came running over.
�Don�t you DARE harm her!!� he cried.
�I�m going to show you! How would you like it?� Cloud raised his foot to kick Fujin.
�Cloud, don�t! that�s Fujin, she�s the scariest girl in schooool!� Aeris gasped.
Cloud kicked at Fujin, but missed. At that moment, Seifer Almasy came out of nowhere.
�Chicken-Wuss! You leave my Fuu alone�
he said as he punched Cloud in the gut.
�Stop that, its annoying!� Seifer scowled at the two of them.
�You better not make any trouble for us at the dance, Seifer!!� Aeris cried.
�We wouldn�t even bother going to such a dumb dance for chicken-wusses!
I plan on taking Fujin out tonight, somewhere better than that chicken-wuss dance!�
Seifer and Fujin decided to beat up on Cloud some more, but precisely at that moment a teacher came by.
�RUN� Fujin said.
�We�ll get you, you chicken-wuss!� Seifer yelled as he and Fujin took off.
�Now I�m going to bruise!� Tifa whined
�and I am not wearing an Aeris dress!�
�What is wrong with my long dress??! Its better than a short skirt!� Aeris argued.
�Girls. . .� Cloud muttered weakly.

That afternoon Yuffie was planning some tricks for that night.
She planned to hot glued the cups to the tables so when the punch server tried to pick up a cup it would be glued to the tablecloth.
She laughed as she pored some water to the punch.
�Watered out punch, this is great!� Yuffie laughed.
�What are you doing?� a voice asked her.
Yuffie turned around, but relaxed when she saw who it was.
�Oh just planning some chaos for tonight�s dance, what are you doing here, Sephiroth?�
�What, you are telling me that you are also here to make some trouble?� Sephiroth asked in disbelief.
�Yeah, I was the one who wrote in soap on the mirror in the bathroom, I guess little miss Tifa heard about it� Yuffie laughed
�Are you serious? I was wondering who did that! That was really great!�
Sephiroth laughed.
�Were you the little rat who released all those biology rats?� Sephiroth asked grinning.
�Yup that was me alright!� Yuffie smirked.
�I like to do stuff that is cool, stuff that is risky, I like living life, not trading make up tips in the batheroom�
Sephiroth just stood there.
�This girl is totally awesome, she�s plain mischievous and what�s more is, she knows how to have fun.� Sephiroth was shocked, �whoa she�s like the dream girl!�
�Hey, Yuffie, you wouldn�t want to go with me to this dance thing.. You know to plan some trouble???�
�Why yeah, I�d like to go with you!� Yuffie smiled
�Ok then I�ll pick you up tonight then, I�ve got my silver Mercedes. Well ahh actually its dad�s but he gave it to me.�
�Great!� Yuffie smiled

That night, Yuffie and Sephiroth didn�t do one naughty thing, surprisingly.
(Not counting what Yuffie already did!)
They actually behaved and gossiped about people.
Tifa got into a huge fight with Cloud and smacked him. Reno worked up a backbone to ask Tifa to dance and Tifa dumped Cloud.
Aeris and Cloud left early to enjoy a night together�. But��

Yes. It was Sephiroth and Yuffie who did that trick.
A bright future of performing several tricks, pranks and general trouble awaits our unlikely couple in FINAL FANTASY HIGH SCHOOL!!!

The End? ? ?

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