This is the Insider of Final Fantasy 7 Park!!
Since I'd rather parody up South Park more than any of my other parodies
, I'm doing excruciating details right here!

Reno (take place of Stan)
Cid (take place of Cartman)
Sephiroth (take place of Kyle)
Aeris (take place of Kenny)

Our young friends go to see Pika and Chu, two Pokemon from Johto (who speak human language) who star in their R rated movie.
Learning a whole plethora of new swear words, they swear uncontrollably, which get their parents to protest against Pika and Chu.
When Cid dares Aeris to light her ponytail on fire, claiming that it won't flare up
after all, when Chu lit his tail on fire, nothing happened, but a little sparkle. Aeris died and the parents want to ban Pika and Chu.
Led by Lucrecia, the parents place the Pokemon under arrest.
Cid has his moment in glory in front of all the kids when he sings "Sephiroth's Mom is a big b****" but Lucrecia catches him
and she drags him to Hojo, who fits him with a V-chip that emits a shock every time a filthy phrase is uttered
Meanwhile Reno, who can't speak to Tifa with out throwing up, is vexed because Cloud is stealing Tifa's affections.
In the end, it's Cid's foul mouth that saves them all, Pika and Chu are loved by all, Lucrecia tells Sephiroth she's sorry she never listened to him, and Tifa tells Reno she never liked Cloud, kissing Reno at the end.
This movie is full of laughs, fun, and crude humor. Two thumbs up to it!

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