Call to You
Everybody needs a little comfort now and then, even super heroes like Sailor Moon. Correction, especially heroes like Sailor Moon. Antingone weaves an incredibly sweet manga moment.
l Call to You l

Usagi has changed, seemingly overnight and everyone is worried from the senshi to Chibi-Usa to Mamoru. Everyone�s favorite odango isn�t telling... but Luna is. She says Usagi wakes up crying every night, that she screams in her sleep. Something is haunting her nightmares, but what?
l Chapter One l Chapter Two l

Fleeting Dreams
Beautiful Kasuga Moemi has been searching for a boy she once knew, convinced that they belong together. A boy, who is now a man... Chiba Mamoru.
l Fleeting Dreams l

The M&M Story
Sweet, cute and sexy... pure WAFF (warm and fuzzy feelings), but a must-read nevertheless!
l The M&M Story l

Set in the R season, it's the break-up and get-together through Motoki�s eyes.
l Motoki l

No Day But Today
So, you think you�ve read every R-season song fic? Think they�re overdone? Well, that may be, but Antigone puts a whole new spin on an old, old plot. This one takes the cake.
l No Day But Today l

On a Wing and a Prayer
A beautiful manga-based fic retelling the Silver Millenium�s forbidden romance. Ever wonder why Serenity�s presence on Earth was taboo? Wonder no more...
l Chapter One l Chapter Two l Chapter Three l Chapter Four l Interlude l Chapter Five l Chapter Six l Chapter Seven l Chapter Eight l Chapter NineA l

Neo-Queen Serenity is pregnant, and there�s only one thing in the world she desires. Peaches. It�s the dead of winter, and the Queen would like some peaches. Oh, Endymion?
l Peaches l

Walking the Thin Line
It�s Luna�s turn to play matchmaker, and she does one heck of a job. That is, until she�s told that Mamoru is meant for the Princess, and that she has to undo all the �damage� she�s caused. Will Luna follow her head or her heart?
l Prologue l Chapter One l Chapter Two l Chapter Three l Chapter Four l Chapter Five l Chapter Six l Chapter Seven l Chapter Eight l Chapter Nine l Chapter Ten

Without Darkness There Can Be No Light
A King Endymion without his Queen? That might be an even more terrifying prospect than Crystal Tokyo at the hands of the Black Moon. But something is about to change all that...
l Without Darkness There Can Be No Light l

You can read more of Antigone�s work at her webpage The Antigone Archive or contact her at [email protected].

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